
Impact management of overtourism in European capitals

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Szőllős-Tóth, A. (2023). Impact management of overtourism in European capitals. Régiókutatás Szemle, 7(1), 20-33.

The main objective of this study is to analyse the cases of the most visited European capitals and the ones most affected by the overtourism phenomenon through the analysis of tourism in Europe. The focus of my work is to identify the actions planned or being implemented to overcome the difficulties caused by the overcrowding of tourists. I present international best practices from European capitals that have proved to be good in dealing with the situation and cases of destinations that are prepared for the emergence of overtourism based on the measures that have been implemented. Overtourism was a serious problem for many destinations before the pandemic, and once the pandemic ends, it is likely that the crowding caused by the presence of tourists will become common again. By using the results of this research, destinations can be better prepared for the arrival of tourists, with suggestions for solutions that can be used in the destinations if the number of tourists approaches or reaches the limits of social or environmental tolerance again.

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