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  • Tudás a szociális munkában – az elmélet és a gyakorlat viszonyában

    The study analyses the nature of knowledge in social work for better understanding the distance („gap”) between theory and practice. It provides a systematic synthesis of the theoretical interpretation and framework of social work knowledge furthermore summarizes the connection between this knowledge and the social work practice in Hungary. The spectrum of social work knowledge can be classified by numerous aspects, but it covers a much wider area than the theoretical or practical character of knowledge. The authors anticipate that each aspect of this knowledge has relevance for social work, therefore the deeper analysis and understanding of their roles can contribute to reducing the gap between theory and practice.

  • Együttműködési kapcsolatok és hálózati struktúrák a győri várostérség szociális intézményrendszerében

    The main objective of the survey is the empirical analysis of the inter-organizational relationships of the social care institutions with social network methods in Győr and the surrounding micro-regions. We measured and described the network structure and pattern of the organizational field, the basic directions and types, forms, frequency, intensity and the quality of inter-organizational cooperation. We are looking for answers to what factors hinder cooperation in this particular organizational milieu? What organizations are the key players of the network? How strong the position and effect of Győr as a regional centre in the cooperation network of the social sector? The network indicators have confirmed that the web of connections in the field of social care system is organized around a core institutional domain with only 5-6 dominant actors. The key players of the system with high network centrality and prestige are the big sized, functionally complex, territorially combined institutions. It has also been shown that, in addition to these central core members, the majority of the analysed organizations have a relation with each other only in a limited number, the network density is low, the centrality index is high, and the geographical distance is decreasing the probability of inter-organizational relations. In the whole network the probability and the number of intra-regional, national or international ties are also limited.

  • A hatalom szociális munkásától a szociális munka hatalma felé

    In this paper I review the power relations relevant to social work and social workers. At the birth of the profession, an enlightened absolutist political power structure created great freedom and creative opportunities for social workers to contribute to alleviating social crisis. Social work was willing and able to meet these needs. The above-mentioned power orientation created a particular professional manner of operation by applying improvised solutions, by „dispatching” of clients to other public services, by the brokering of information and resources. In this set-up, the importance of power of clients, especially over social workers were marginalised. All this has contributed to a serious crisis in the sphere of social work when political power has become more confrontational and has sought to resolve social issues by force.