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Szempontok egy élettörténeti interjúkra épülő kutatás kapcsán az idősödés tranzitív változásainak tanulmányozásához
Views:179In this study the authors give a summary about the methodical considerations which are connected their research topic of „Transitive Changes on the Road of Aging”. This study is a part of the disseminations, which give presentations about the stages of this research program, following the process of inquire with the emerging questions and problems searching for the direction of discovery named by qualitative research.
Az LMBTQ közösség nemzetközi és hazai elfogadottságának vizsgálata
Views:163In our study, we examined the acceptance of the LGBTQ community in Hungary and internationally along different dimensions using a hybrid approach. Using the quantitative data analysis method, we investigated Hungarian LGBTQ acceptance in an international context using longitudinal data from the European Social Survey. In the focus group qualitative study, we investigated the attitudes, acceptance and opinions of university students in Debrecen. The results of the 2020 Hungarian survey show that the acceptance of LGBTQ people is lower among older, primary-educated, right-wing, religious people. Compared to 2016 and 2018, Hungarian society has become more tolerant despite the anti-LGBTQ public mood, which is in line with international trends. The results of the 2022 focus group survey also confirmed the trends identified by the ESS. Acceptance is influenced by the political and legal environment in Hungary and the media representation created by these influences. In addition to these macro- factors, family, educational institution, and religion play an important role as micro- factors. All of these have an impact on acceptance and can perpetuate prejudices and stereotypes towards the LGBTQ community.
Szakmaközi együttműködés a szociális szolgáltatásokban - gyakorlat és kutatás összefüggéseiben
Views:511A tanulmány a hazai tudományos és szakmai életben hiányt pótló módon arra keresi a választ, hogy a szociális (illetve egészségügyi) szakemberek miként vélekednek a szakmaközi (interprofesszionális) együttműködés lényegéről, valóságáról, milyen tevékenységeket tekintenek annak, vagyis milyen lehetőségeit használják a gyakorlatban, milyen módokon végzik ezeket a tevékenységeket, és milyen mérhető eredményei vannak ezeknek a tevékenységeknek. A különböző módszerekkel és több szinten felvett interjúk lehetőséget adtak arra, hogy az együttműködésekről való szakmai gondolkodást mélyebb összefüggésekbe ágyazzuk, a jelen helyzetből okulva pedig jövőirányú fejlesztési lehetőségeket is vázoljunk.
Demens időseket gondozó családtagok és szakemberek kölcsönös szerepviszonyulásai
Views:295In the case of the elderly with dementia, the study examines how the network of carers who have an informal or formal relationship with them changes over time and how the relationship between them develops. According to the theoretical starting point of the writing, the individual is surrounded by a network of caregivers (“convoy”) during their career (mostly in old age), and caregivers shape their own and the other party’s caring roles during their interactions. Empirical research has examined the history of the division of labour between family members and professional caregivers by means of qualitative interview, the more memorable interactions affecting the division of labor, and their perceptions of caregiver roles among the family members and professional caregivers of the elderly with dementia.
„Itt ezek a kis házikók az intézetet szimbolizálják” Történetek egy gyermekotthon lakóiról – a tetoválások tükrében
Views:333In our days tattoos have spread widely, so we cannot consider them as manifestations of deviant behaviour. Nowadays this form of body modification is known to be a tool of self-expression by the literature. But from the tattoos seen in orphanages, the question arises in me whether these body modifications are on the first place to express themselves. Besides answering this question my main aim is to discover the motivation of having a tattoo and its motifs and introduce how these pictures on the skin can be a map to gain knowledge about the world of orphanages.
My qualitative research based on interviews and participant observation has taken place in an orphanage. I would like to reveal and note the detailed features of this culture. In my essay I would like to pay particular attention to tattoos. For this I asked questions from 19 youngsters and 6 other informants with the help of structured interviews.
Views:84Boros Julianna (2017): Egyéni utak, társadalmi helyzetek Cigány/roma felnőttek életútja egy kvalitatív kutatás eredményeinek tükrében című könyvről
Stigmatization of Children and Youth of the Socially Non-homogeneous Neighborhoods: Analysis of the Mechanisms of the Neighborhood Effects and the Concept of Empowering Social Work
Views:53The manuscript presents a concept of the mechanisms of the neighborhood effects which has been empirically grounded in a long-term qualitative study conducted by me in one of Łódź disadvantaged residential environments. The theory generated during the study fits into a model that explains the neighborhood impact in terms of social processes endogenous to the neighborhood. In particular, it offers an explanation of the neighborhood impact in terms of social heterogeneity and consequential stigmatization of the selected groups of residents. The reconstruction of the stigmatization process and its outcomes for the selected groups of residents − children and youth − inspired my reflection on empowering social work in socially non-homogeneous neighborhoods, which I also put forward in this contribution.