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  • A szociális életpályamodellel kapcsolatos dilemmák

    The social sector has been in crisis in many respects because of adverse changes in recent decades. There is a shortage of qualified social workers, high staff turnover, precarious working conditions and a steady decrease in the resources available to the sector. The development of human resources has therefore become an urgent necessity. The social careers model, like career models in other sectors, could contribute to the development of human resources in the social sector and the efficient functioning of social institutions and services. However, dilemmas about the career model have emerged in recent years, dividing the profession significantly. In our study, we set out to explore these dilemmas and, using the focus group interview method, we sought to find out what social professionals think about the career model, which has been taking shape for almost a decade. Would they support the introduction of a career model, and if so, under what conditions, and what tools would they include in the model to improve the efficiency of the sector and the quality of life of social workers. Our research shows that employees in the social sector have highlighted a stable and predictable salary and incentive system guaranteeing existential security as a key element of a modern career model. The guarantee of working conditions has emerged as a new, usually unusual and indicative of fundamental shortcomings element in the career models. However, the majority of respondents expressed reservations about the introduction of a performance appraisal system and the use of performance management in the sector. Only a minority of the focus group argued in favour of career management, an appraisal system that recognises quality work and professional innovation, and a service system that supports human resource development.

  • Utak. Útkeresés. Útmutatás? : mediációs gyakorlat a szociális alapszolgáltatásban

    The aim of this study presents the main dilemmas and challenges of organizing mediation services in family- and child welfare services. 62 mediators were interviewed using the focus group method in a total of six groups. Most of the professionals involved in the investigation have two or more professional roles within the institution. The most common roles being mediators, case managers, family assistants, and leaders, with many experiencing role conflicts. Neutrality and impartiality have been cited by many as characteristics of a mediator, but the "effective" mediation style that appears in practice may hinder this. In order to provide a high level of service, we recommend reducing the professional roles of colleagues involved in mediation and organizing professional support for mediators at a local but rather a regional level.

  • Trends in social work in the 21st century

    This historical and contemporary overview of key developments in social work’s professionalisation demonstrates its intricate enmeshment with political framework conditions. The current scenario is characterised by stark polarisations as evidenced by the seemingly insurmountable dilemmas over how to overcome wars, epidemics and the economic and climate crises. These polarisations indicate a systematic erosion of the social dimension of societies largely through neoliberal politics which pose a central challenge to social work and its professional social mandate. The experience of social workers in confronting ambiguity and dealing dialectically with the polarising tendencies of modernity in their position as an “in-between profession” therefore offers transformative possibilities for dealing with current global dilemmas through the affirmation of core social work competences, which is illustrated with examples.

  • Professzionalizáció- és professzióelméletek a segítő hivatások tükrében

    A tanulmány két professzió, a szociális munka és a pedagógushivatás sajátosságait elemzi. A két szakterület közti hasonlóságok és különbségek feltárását a professziódiskurzusban fellelhető elméletekbe ágyazva végeztem el. A tanulmány a segítő szakmák lényegére fókuszáló teoretikus kérdésekben kíván szakirodalmi áttekintést nyújtani. A dolgozat célja egyrészt a professzionalizációval, professziókkal foglalkozó elméletek irányzatainak elkülönítése, másrészt pedig annak bemutatása, hogy a pedagógus- és szociális munkás hivatásokkal mint professziókkal kapcsolatban milyen dilemmák, nehézségek jelentkeznek az elméletek értelmezése, alkalmazhatósága terén. 

  • A gyermekvédelmi gondoskodásból kikerült felnőttek jövőkép vizsgálata

    The child is the key to the future, so child protection is a fundamental social issue. To grow up in specialty care and then start out from there, start an independent life for young adults. They are primitive in the absence of minimal governmental grants and support nets. Heroes of our time and real sacrifices, who have been trapped in the trap of specialized authorities, separated most of their lives from their systems of origin and natural resources. Whatever the case of child protection in Hungary, no matter how close to family -friendly character, it cannot provide ready -made answers. There are lack of solution strategies and schemes that would help young adults' lifestyles. Young people who are out of their own fault or for reasons beyond their own fault are difficult to control their lives. They will be able to establish a well -functioning family with much more challenges. We know little about state care about school careers, establishing a family, work and how the system prepared them for their own life. This study attempts to give this problem an empirical picture of capitalized life expectations after being removed from child protection. We do this strictly by systematizing their experience in the light of a study between November 2021 and January 2022.