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  • Pozitívumok és negatívumok a magyarországi egyházak szociális ellátórendszerben való szerepvállalása kapcsán

    In the study, we examine the nature and extent of church presence in the subsystems of the social sphere since 1989 and we also review the evolution of the Hungarian regulations regarding churches, together with financial issues. In this regard, we point out legally problematic phenomena, such as the fact that the current regulation is not sector-neutral, which puts actors outside of the established churches at a serious disadvantage. The situation of the established churches is not reassuring either, as the favorable financial situation can change at any time through the change of the extent of the so called "additional church subsidies". After collecting the cases of unprofessional and/or abusive operation occurring in institutions run by churches in Hungary, we summarise the possible positive aspects of the same phenomenon.

  • A hatalom szociális munkásától a szociális munka hatalma felé

    In this paper I review the power relations relevant to social work and social workers. At the birth of the profession, an enlightened absolutist political power structure created great freedom and creative opportunities for social workers to contribute to alleviating social crisis. Social work was willing and able to meet these needs. The above-mentioned power orientation created a particular professional manner of operation by applying improvised solutions, by „dispatching” of clients to other public services, by the brokering of information and resources. In this set-up, the importance of power of clients, especially over social workers were marginalised. All this has contributed to a serious crisis in the sphere of social work when political power has become more confrontational and has sought to resolve social issues by force.

  • Az óvodai és iskolai szociális munka bevezetésének tapasztalatai szolgáltatásvezető, szakmai koordinátor és a szolgáltatást gyakorló szociális munkás összegzésében

    Based on our experience we introduce the results, difficulties and challenges we have faced in the establishment and operation of a service that started in 2018. Our work is intended as a feedback link to train social helpers in kindergarten and school, reflecting from practice to theory, hoping to contribute to the complex functioning of the so-called 'theory' and 'practice'.