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  • Akik meghallották a zörgetést. Egyházak a 2015-ös menekültválság idején

    The Church Act of 2011 rewrote the previous jurisprudence on churches, making a distinction between established churches and those excluded from it: the new concept became "ecclesiastical legal entity", distinguishing between representatives of churches, which may belong to this category, which practitioners churches do not. In my opinion, this is when the division between the churches began: in a political sense, the secular state gradually ceased to exist. Since then, the established churches have enjoyed an advantage in all respects, thus undermining the principle of religious freedom. In the interviews, I also looked for the answer to how important it was for the churches accepted, supported and "established" by the Christian government, how the Gospel teaching about the good Samaritan teaching was represented during the refugee crisis, and how Pope Francis' call for activity and acceptance related to refugees was applied . I examined what role the church people played in the escalation of the mood, either by their silence or by speaking up.

  • Pozitívumok és negatívumok a magyarországi egyházak szociális ellátórendszerben való szerepvállalása kapcsán

    In the study, we examine the nature and extent of church presence in the subsystems of the social sphere since 1989 and we also review the evolution of the Hungarian regulations regarding churches, together with financial issues. In this regard, we point out legally problematic phenomena, such as the fact that the current regulation is not sector-neutral, which puts actors outside of the established churches at a serious disadvantage. The situation of the established churches is not reassuring either, as the favorable financial situation can change at any time through the change of the extent of the so called "additional church subsidies". After collecting the cases of unprofessional and/or abusive operation occurring in institutions run by churches in Hungary, we summarise the possible positive aspects of the same phenomenon.

  • Szociális munka – Spiritualitás – Egyházak: A szerkesztő előszava a különszámhoz

    The purpose of the editorial foreword is to present the special issue, to summarize the lessons I have found in the studies on the relationship between social work, spirituality, and churches, both in general and here and now in Hungary. The relevance of and interest in the topic is that nowadays the role of churches in social care is expanding both in Hungary and in other European countries, while their missionary role is steadily decreasing. This situation is creating tensions between those who believe that the state should have primary responsibility for the social rights of citizens and those who would rather see the responsibility for the welfare of individuals falls to the individuals themselves, then to their families, the local community, the parishes, and only as a last resort to the state. In a tense political climate, it is important to highlight the values and ethical principles that fundamentally unite believing and non-believing social workers, i.e., the spirituality that is at the core of all genuine social work, and to detach the issue from the political substrate that makes the conflict between social work rooted in religious faith and social work rooted in science seem irreconcilable.

  • A szociális munka és a keresztény lelkiség kapcsolódásai a Golgota Keresztény Gyülekezet szociális szolgálatainak bemutatása alapján

    Social work and Christian spirituality cannot be sharply separated from each other. The roots of social assistance are an important part of Christian morality and the teachings of the Bible. At the same time, in almost all of the Christian denominations, you can also find lay assistance, which provides help to those in trouble, nourished by the practical faith of the churches. In my paper, I examine the possibilities of Christian-based lay assistance and social assistance, as well as the relationship between spirituality and social work, using the example of the social and charitable activities of Calvary Chapel Hungary. It is important to recognize that lay help without professional social skills can sometimes cause more harm than good, but it is also true that professional social work can also be enriched by a commitment to help stemming from faith in God.

  • Az egyházi térnyerés dilemmái a szociális ágazatban

    The ecclesiastical takeover of the public services sector has been particularly strong over the last ten years. This change in the structure of the public sector raises several problems and dilemmas which are rarely discussed (openly) in professional circles. The expansion of churches has not come about organically but is the result of government measures. It is primarily ideological rather than professional factors that are at play, and in many areas, this is leading the care system in a questionable professional direction. This paper discusses the historical background to the emergence of the social care system, the differences in the way the domestic care system is funded depending on the type of provider, the pro-church restructuring of the service sector and the professional and ethical dilemmas of church-based service delivery.

  • Kezek Evangéliuma – Sztehlo Gábor öröksége

    Gábor Sztehlo, an evangelical pastor, is one of the leading figures of the 20th century. From the beginning of his career, he was known for his work in building churches, organising congregations, and establishing folk schools in Hungary. During World War II, Sztehlo was involved in the work of the Good Shepherd Association, which saved children of Jewish origin. Under his guidance between 1944 and 45, "hidden" children’s homes were run in 32 villas and apartments in Buda and Pest, with well-organised daily schedules and basic supplies, subjected to constant harassment by the Hungarian nazis. By the end of the war, he had rescued 1500 children and 500 adults. His service was outstanding in the rescue of Jews, recognised by the State of Israel with the "Yad Vashem" medal, and he was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Later, Gábor Sztehlo set up Gaudiopolis in the Pax Children's Home which was an example of children's republic as a pedagogical method. In the 1950s, he organised the diaconal work after the nationalisation of church property.

  • Beszámoló az International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) prágai küldöttgyűléséről és konferenciájáról

    Report on the annual delegate meeting and professional conference of the European region of the IFSW (International Federation of Social Workers) held in Prague in May 2023. The Hungarian Association of Social Workers (HASW) participated in the event with 4 people in person and online. The article summarizes the professional topics and proposals around which the conference was organized.