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  • A művészetterápia szerepe a serdülőkori depresszió kezelésében
    As social workers we frequently meet teenagers who are suffering from some type of depression. Of course social workers cannot heal them, or use therapy, but we do have to do everything in our power to form a trusting relationship with them as our clients. They need to communicate with us, which is already a challenge when it comes to the relationship between an adolescent and an adult. My project’s goal was to find the use and role of art therapy in our work with clinically depressed adolescents.
    In my research I write about the typical signs and forms of depression, and explain a few theories about the cause of the illness. Then I introduce different types of art therapy, mainly focusing on their use in social work. I examined different methods in art therapy and made a few recommendations about how they could be used in working with depressed clients.
    During my work I was very careful not to overstep the lines of social work. As I said, we cannot cure depression, but we can use certain tools of art therapy as a bridge between the social worker and the client whose age and illness makes it even more difficult to build a trusting relationship.
  • Értékközpontú művészetterápia… a szociális munka margójára

    My aim by writing this case study is first of all point out art therapy, logo therapy and existential analysis as an efficient tool for care professionals working with homeless people struggling with serious mental disorders.
    My essay emphasizes the importance of antistigma by the care professionals` work and claims, that one of most crucial factors of therapeutic work is the way how is the human being defined within the therapeutic process. My text offers a possible and reachable way for suffering people to access hapiness.

  • Ez nem semmi! A történetalapú foglalkozások alkalmazása a szociális munkában

    The study focuses on the socialized reading experience, referred to as story based method, by the author, who also recommends it as a tool for group or communal social work. In this nature, it can be clearly distinguished from the art or bibliotherapeutical directions, since only the aid is similar (the story, the reading and the discussion), but the framework of processing, regulating, depth and purpose is different. Hence, experiencing the process will become different for the participants and an other kind of involvement is required from them. Besides, the experience of story based method does not exclude motivation for deeper self-understanding and it could open barriers to involve in a therapeutic procedure.

    The introduction of the story based method is done through the work of Janne Teller. The short story was published in Denmark in 2000. The readers and professionals' attention was immediately drawn that Teller's book was initially prohibited, scandalous and later on awarded by the Ministry of Culture to be the Best Children's book. Also it was compulsory to read. The text of the book is easily understandable, however the problems described have a deeper meaning to them, therefore, it is suitable for analysis in several groups with dissimilar sociocultural backgrounds after the adequate revision.



  • Mire jó egy szegénytelep a város közepén? - avagy tágabb kontextusok a segítő szemszögéből egy városi szegregátum kapcsán

    The article examines the existence of the famous slum in the city centre, the functions of it in the local social policy from the viewpoint of an NGO field worker. Gans’ functionalist method and the wilder context may explain the fact that there is no plan for the liquidation of the settlement since two years, although the money is given. The article analyses how became the stigma of the slum useful by the media, art, charity actions through political aims and how this special situation reinforced by the COVID–19.