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  • A magyarországi szociálismunka-kutatások néhány kontextusban

    In their study authors are seeking answer to the question whether social work research in Hungary can be characterised by scientifical and/or practical orientation and accordingly what its role in is maintaining the gap in the profession between theory and practice. The paper examines Hungarian social work research in a quasi-systematic review, for which theoretical backgrounds are views regarding social work practice research and social work knowledges, explored in previous papers of the same authors. The empirical base of the review is an analysis of the essays published in the two-volume collection ’Tudományos gondolkodás és kutatás szerepe a szociális munkában’ (translate as ’Role of scientifical thinking and research in social work’) being an adequate representation of recent Hungarian research on social work.  The review indicates that Hungarian research on social work can be placed on a continuum ranging from theoretical to practical approach, although research involving practitioner-researchers, or examining and developing the practical knowledge are not typical features of it.