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  • A gyermekvédelmi gondoskodásból kikerült felnőttek jövőkép vizsgálata

    The child is the key to the future, so child protection is a fundamental social issue. To grow up in specialty care and then start out from there, start an independent life for young adults. They are primitive in the absence of minimal governmental grants and support nets. Heroes of our time and real sacrifices, who have been trapped in the trap of specialized authorities, separated most of their lives from their systems of origin and natural resources. Whatever the case of child protection in Hungary, no matter how close to family -friendly character, it cannot provide ready -made answers. There are lack of solution strategies and schemes that would help young adults' lifestyles. Young people who are out of their own fault or for reasons beyond their own fault are difficult to control their lives. They will be able to establish a well -functioning family with much more challenges. We know little about state care about school careers, establishing a family, work and how the system prepared them for their own life. This study attempts to give this problem an empirical picture of capitalized life expectations after being removed from child protection. We do this strictly by systematizing their experience in the light of a study between November 2021 and January 2022.

  • Kutatások a hazai szociális munka problématerületein

    B. Erdős Márta (főszerk.); Talyigás Katalin (főszerk.); Budai István (szerk.); Fábián Gergely (szerk.); Hegyesi Gábor (szerk.); Héderné Berta Edina (szerk.); Kozma Judit (szerk.); Szöllősi Gábor (szerk.): A szociális munka elmélete és gyakorlata. 7. kötet: Tudományos gondolkodás és kutatás a szociális munkában II. Budapest, Magyarország: MTA Szociológiai Tudományos Bizottság Szociális Munka Albizottság (2021), 397 p. ISBN 978-963-8302-55-7

  • Családi és szociális kapcsolatok a nyugati határszélen: Módszertani kitekintés a belső „kliensmigráció” kapcsolathálózati vizsgálataiba

    The investigation of social resources that facilitate problem-solving plays a major role in the understanding of internal client migration. This study deals primarily with the investigation of family- and social network in the broader sense by examining the risk factors of the given field. The quality of relationships determine quality of life in general. The intensity, depth and content of these relationships are all important resources in the personal life of the client. Besides these personal relationships, professional supporting relationships that help improve or maintain quality of life play a dominant role in the life of migrating clients. A further aim of the study is to review the literature and methodology of case diagnostics in the field of practice of individual and family-level case work. Thereby, we can interpret the system of lack of resources related to internal client migration and thus we can relocate the focus points of complex supporting work.