Publication Ethics

Accepted manuscripts will be Copy Edited and Production Edited by HJEAS.

AUTHORS of monographs and EDITORS of collections are responsible for

  • suggesting two scholars familiar with the work who would be willing to give their candid opinion on it to be quoted on the cover of the book;
  • any illustrations including the cover; 
  • all necessary permissions to reprint; 
  • obtaining permission to use material in print and digital formats, (If permission cannot be obtained by the contracted submission date, we reserve the right to remove the material from the final typesetting.); 
  • including a subject-matter and name index;
  • insuring that all contributors attest to and take responsibility for the originality of their work.


HJEAS Books, New Series reserves the right to ask for subvention.

Authors of monographs will receive an e-copy of their book together with 10 printed copies. Editors of collections will receive an e-copy of the book together with 4 printed copies. Each contributor will receive both an e-copy and a printed copy of the book. The distribution of printed copies to contributors will be the responsibility of the editor.