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  • First results of the cultivation of prairie grass (Bromus catharticus Vahl) in Hungary

    Yield elements (plant height, grass yield) of prairie grass, the little known grass species in Hungary, was investigated in a three-factor field experiment set up on the Mohács-island. One-grass and grass/legume mixture were established under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions at different nitrogen levels (0-67-133 kg N/ha/year). The effects of these factors on the grass productivity were analysed by a three-factor analysis of variance at 5% significance level in the first year of the experiment. Nitrogen supplementation and the interaction of legumeXirrigation had a significant positive effect on the annual hay yield. The yield of the first two cuts, which accounted for 61% of the annual yield, was not significantly affected by any of the examined factors, while their effect was already clearly visible in the yield of the 3rd and 4th cuts. A similar result was obtained with the model fitted to the average height of the four cuts, but the legumeXirrigation and legumeXnitrogen interactions were already significant in the 2nd cut. Nitrogen had a positive effect on grass height from the 3rd cut. Without irrigation, the 1st cut showed a significantly lower grass height with legume addition. In our experiment, we estimated 65 t/ha annual fresh grass yield on average of the treatments, and 18 t/ha of hay was actually harvested. In the treatment of irrigation with legume addition, 1 kg/ha of excess nitrogen resulted in an excess of 150 kg/ha of fresh grass yield in the case of the higher dose nitrogen treatment, compared to the nitrogen control. The laboratory analysis of the 1st cut-hay samples from selected treatments confirmed favorable protein (16.7-18.2%) and crude fat content, its lower crude fiber content and higher calcium and phosphorus content compared to cocksfoot and smooth brome.

  • Comparison of the production of fenugreek (Trichonella foenum-graecum) experiments in 2018-2020

    The aim of our study is to compare the results (content values, yield) of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) experiments in 2018-2020. Fenugreek is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the legumes (Fabaceae) family. It is a multifunctional crop for use in domestic and farm animal feeds, wild fodder, herbs and spices. During the study period, nutrient supply treatments were applied to increase the production values of the plant. The weed suppressing ability of fenugreek in the post-emergence period (1-3 weeks) is very poor, so we had to use chemical weed control. During the experiment, the T. foenum-graecum stock was irrigated. The plant was harvested 80-90 days after sowing. The study was carried out in Kecskemét in 2018-2019, at the Demonstration Garden of John von Neumann University, Faculty of Horticulture and Rural Development. The 2020 experiment was set up at the University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture. 

  • A 2018-2019. évi görögszéna (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) kísérlet produkciójának összehasonlítása

    Kutatásunk célja, hogy a 2018-2019. évi szabadföldi görögszéna (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) kísérlet eredményeit (beltartalmi értékek, hozam) összehasonlítsuk. A görögszéna a pillangósvirágúak (Fabaceae) családjába tartozó egyéves lágyszárú növény. Felhasználását tekintve többcélú gazdasági növény: házi- és gazdasági állatok takarmányozása, vadtakarmány, gyógynövény, fűszernövény. A vizsgált időszakban tápanyagutánpótlási kezelést állítottunk be, hogy növeljük a növény produkciós értékeit. A görögszéna gyomelnyomó képessége a kelést követő időszakban (1-3 hét) nagyon rossz, ezért vegyszeres gyomirtást kellett alkalmaznunk. A kísérlet ideje alatt a T. foenumgraecum állományt öntöztük. A növényt a magvetéstől számítva a 80-90. napon lekaszáltuk. A vizsgálatot Kecskeméten, a Neumann János Egyetem, Kertészeti és Vidékfejlesztési Kar Bemutatókertben végeztük.