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  • Rangeland utilization by beef cattle in the dry Savanna areas of Southern Africa

    A literature review was done on the selection and utilization of grass species by beef cattle in the Limpopo province. The literature study was complimented by research done on the Towoomba Research station and the University of Limpopo, both in Limpopo Province, in South Africa. The Province is well known for its low rainfall and good quality rangeland. The main aim was to categorize the most important grass species in different utilization (palatable) classes. The thirteen grass species which were under investigation could be classified as follows: Highly palatable species: Panicum maximum and Urochloa mosambicensis; Palatable species: Digitaria eriantha, Heteropogon contortus, Schmidtia pappophoroides and Themeda triandra. Less palatable: Trachypogon spicatus and Themeda triandra and Least palatable: Eragrostis rigidior, Hyparrhenia hirta, Pogonarthria squarrosa, Melinus repens and the Aristida species.

  • Rangeland utilization by beef cattle in the dry Savanna areas of Southern Africa

    A literature review was done on the selection and utilization of grass species by beef cattle in the Limpopo province. The literature study was complimented by research done on the Towoomba Research station and the University of Limpopo, both in Limpopo Province, in South Africa. The Province is well known for its low rainfall and good quality rangeland. The main aim was to categorize the most important grass species in different utilization (palatability) classes. The thirteen grass species which were under investigation could be classified as follows: Highly palatable species: Panicum maximum and Urochloa mosambicensis; Palatable species: Digitaria eriantha, Heteropogon contortus, Schmidtia pappophoroides and Themeda triandra. Less palatable: Trachypogon spicatus and Themeda triandra and Least palatable: Eragrostis rigidior, Hyparrhenia hirta, Pogonarthria squarrosa, Melinus repens and the Aristida species. 

  • Recent points of fertilization, plant protection, grazing and food safety on grasslands

    The purpose of Hungarian rangelands is looked upon in many different ways in our changing world. Environmentalists view the problem from an ecology centered point of view, while economists from an economy centered one. The third approach prefers a kind of rangeland management which can meet all expectations. Grassland and pasture management should be carried out in accordance with operative veterinary, phytosanitary, human and food safety regulations. An internationally acknowledged code includes all principles associated with these regulations. Food production will certainly gain greater significance, resulting in growing interest in rangeland management in the near future. Thus methods listed in this article should be kept in sight.