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  • Investigation of early season phytoproduction in sheep pastures

    In the droughty spring of 2021, we investigated the rate of phytoproduction development in extensive grassland plots with solonyec soil conditions from the perspective of sheep grazing. During the empirical time interval of the start of potential sheep grazing, data were recorded on a total of 7 occasions at 6 different sites registered under one parcel number. Our results showed that the highest soil moisture values during the study period were measured in the fallow grassland, while the highest soil temperature values were measured in the grassland used as enclosed pasture. Plant height values were highest in the fallow grassland and in the grassland of the pasture forest. The lowest plant height was recorded in the enclosed pasture, although the highest nutrient availability was also measured here.

  • Changes in land use in Fiság-valley between 1980 and 2003

    Landscape and land use forms have been changing constantly throughout history. The investigation area is located in the Eastern Carpathians, a modest basin, where the variable land use forms – pasture, hayfield, forest, forested pasture, forested hayfield and arable land – form a mosaic-like scenery.
    Our investigation covers a period of 23 years, based on field work and historical analogue map-analysis. The survey provides data regarding the transformation of land use through two decades and also makes further research possible.

  • Clarifying the effect of season on the early crop development of unconditionally grazed sheep

    The feasibility of first grazing of extensive sheep pastures was investigated by monitoring the height of grassland in the spring of 2022 and 2023 at the Karcag Research Institute, focusing on the effect of vintage in this manuscript. For 6 grassland plots with different parameters, potentially suitable for early spring sheep grazing, in a meadow on solonyec soil with no level of inputs due to environmental subsidies, we refined soil temperature, soil moisture and height of grassland vegetation at the same time of year. For both years, it was concluded that it is justified to start grazing sheep on the fallow grassland and the pasture forest.

  • The modification of natural lawn types from the effect of utilisation and cultivation in Barót mountains – Kovászna county

    In the last decade the animal stock decreased to half couldn't optimally utilise the disposable natural lawns. Through the changed ownership's the utilisation of the natural lawns also changed. The areas near settlements are overladed and at the same time the big distant areas are only temporally or not at all utilised. On the places in use usually the fertilisation and maintenance work are cancelled. What kind of effect has the changed utilisation and cultivation on natural lawns, do they provoke modifications on it? Looking for an answer for these questions in 2002 a lawn typological measurement was started in two separated areas in Barót Mountains.
    This publication is about the observations during this monitoring work. The measurement has been made with the system of lawn typological classification of Tucra-Kovács and collaborators (1987). This classification analyses 3 factors: plant composition, facilities at production site, and the necessary technology for rising the crop. The one year long monitoring is not enough to make conclusions regarding the modification of lawn types, but the changed relations of last decade determined the natural lawn. On the places exposed to exaggerated tread the Dechampsia caespitosa is spreading, on acid soils the Nardus stricta, showing the formation of significant subtypes inside of Agrostis tenuis- Festuca rubra lawn type significant for beech tree zone.
    The spreading of woody plants is much significant. The shrubs are spreading showing that the lawn areas withdrew from cultivation is progressing to natural estate, to forest.