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Search Results

  • The effect of mowing and pasturing on grassland vegetation in Mátra Mauntains (Parádóhuta)

    We carried out our surveys on grasslands near Parádóhuta. The sample area was a mountain grassland (Festucetum rubrae-Cynosuretum Tx. 1940, Soó 1957), which was mowed until 2013, then foraged with borzderes and racka cattle within the framework of nature conservation management for two years, and after that it became mowed again. We analysed the effects of foraging and mowing between 2013 and 2019.

    Our goals were the following: to disclose the vegetation of the sample areas (i), surveying the natural regeneration of the grassland and analysing, valuing the effect of mowing and foraging on grasslands (ii); analysing the vegetation in terms of nature conservation and valuing its life form spectrum (iii).

    The analysed grassland was very diverse in 2013, we noticed well differentiated Nardus stricta patches. In 2015 the vegetation became more mosaic-like because of heavy pasturing: animals have grazed arboreals and Nardus in lesser amount, but species diversity declined and coverage of shrub remained the same. In the last years of the survey foraging stopped, and mowing began, which increased the coverage of herbaceous plants, which approximated the values of the first years. According to our results, on these habitats systematic mowing has a much more positive effect on biodiversity and coverage of species marking naturalness.


  • Correlation between the diversity and mowing in cleared grassland areas in the Börzsöny mountains

    Due to changing land use, traditionally managed grasslands are rarely seen This is an unfortunate fact as regular mowing and foraging are the primary tools of maintaining these areas. These methods are of high importance in terms of nature conservation management, by affecting the successive processes. Natural disturbances are part of the ecological systems, and the majority of meadows and hayfields of high nature conservation value can only be preserved through management. By means of nature conservation treatments, the number of grasslands species can be increased and various accompanying species can be introduced. 

  • Effects of ceasing mowing and grazing on the vegetation of wet grasslands of Badacsonytördemic

    During the work we examined the vegetation of a wet area near Badacsonytördemic. The grassland has been mowed and grazed intensively by Hungarian grey cattle until 2010, and it was abandoned afterwards. We surveyed three sample areas: the continuously grazed pasture, the mowed grassland and the additional pasture, which was grazed for one month each year.
    Records were made in June 2010 and 2020. We utilized 4×4 m quadrats, and gave the cover of species in percent. Relative nitrogen values (NB), soil moisture values (WB), Social Behaviour Types according to Borhidi, nature conservation values (TVK) according to Simon were also used.
    Based on the results, the vegetation of the area degraded greatly in ten years, its diverse nature disappeared, weeds and invasive species became dominant and species with good foraging value declined. No aggressive competitors were found in 2007, but Solidago gigantea appeared with great cover by 2020. In addition, many weed species appeared, and the ones which were already present in 2010, have increased their cover. Cirsium arvense was a newly appearing weed. Dead biomass also increased greatly.
    To avoid further degradation, we suggest to reintroduce the management to these areas again. To set back weeds and invasive species, regular mowing would be efficient. It would be important to carefully set the date of mowing so that it prevents the spreading of seeds. Mowed plants must be removed from the area as soon as possible.

  • Environmental investigations in wild pig game farms

    A vaddisznóskertek az 1990-es évek kezdetétől reneszánszukat élik Magyarországon. Számos vadászatra jogosult dönt úgy, hogy újonnan létesít vaddisznóskertet, illetve a már meglévő, hosszabb ideje működő kertjét felújítja, vagy lecseréli, és helyette újat létesít. A létesítés okai többfélék lehetnek: egyrészt a vadászati-vadásztatási lehetőségek pontosabb tervezése, biztonságosabbá tétele, a már kialakult vendégkör megtartása, másrészt a kerten kívüli területeken a vaddisznó által okozott károk csökkentése lehetnek a fő okok, melyek egy új kert létesítésére ösztönzik a vadgazdálkodókat. Természetesen nem elhanyagolható szempont a vadaskertek és vaddisznóskertek létesítésénél azok gazdaságossága, a befektetés jó megtérülési lehetősége sem.