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  • Néhány időjárási tényező és a hozam összefüggése száraz- és üde gyepeken

    The yield of pastures will be impaired by the climate change as a result of reduced amount of winter and vegetation precipitation and the increasing number of hot days as well as the increase in temperature. Species composition is also due to change, however, this change will be more difficult to be determined as the increasing concentration of glasshouse gases has different impacts on the various components. Grassland is a water demanding culture; droughts reduce yield significantly and these losses should be compensated by an adaptive agricultural technology. On protected and Nature 2000 pastures, comprising giving 50% of Hungarian pastures – strict regulations prevent the application of yield increasing techniques, such as irrigation, fertilization or oversowing. The impacts of the weather may only be compensated to a certain extent by the utilization technology. The effects of 3 utilization systems and some elements of weather conditions with special regard to water supply were investigated on dry and mesic grasslands in the years 2006-2010. On the bases of the results some suggestions are set up for modifying the specifications on pasture utilization in nature conservation areas, by having the first cutting earlier and increasing utilization frequency wherever possible. On dry grasslands, yield was affected most significantly by annual precipitation, the precipitation in the vegetative period showed the second strongest correlation with yield. On mesic pastures, temperature and radiation had the strongest influence on the yield. Here, the significance level in the case of total annual precipitation was lower, whereas the correlation was not significant for precipitation in the vegetative period.

  • Prospect of extending the grazing season on tall fescue pasture

    In Central European relation, no significant experience is available regarding the yield and quality of winter harvest pastures. The aim of our research was to collect information about the effect of pre utilisation (July, June, and August) and winter harvest date (November, December, January) on the quantity and quality of fodder The examined values were the dry matter yield, energy-, ADF-ADL and ergosterol contents of the yield. We found that: The shorter regeneration period of the between harvests resulted in lower dry matter yields, but also in higher energy concentration and lower ergosterol concentration. The yield and the energy concentration decreased whereas the ADF-ADL and ergosterol concentrations increased with the progress of winter. The fodder harvested in November produced the best results in terms of yield quantity and quality. Thus, in the experiment conducted in Festuca arundinacea stands, the highest yield and energy values were gained by harvesting in November, regardless of pre-utilisation. Despite the cold and the long-lasting snow cover, the energy values of the samples harvested in December and January showed no significant decrease. Regarding fodder quantity and quality, the weather conditions were more important than the frequency and time of harvesting Thus, under continental climate, i.e. in places like Hungary, extensive utilisation, until the end of November or the beginning of December, is recommended. 

  • Study of Trifolium angulatum phytomass in Karcag

    Our studies were conducted at the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences in Karcag, where in 2023, due to favourable precipitation and temperature conditions, we had the opportunity to study the phytomass yields of a massively reproducing annual Trifolium species in a saline soil condition. Yield measurements (green yield, hay yield, crude protein yield, dry matter yield) showed that in all cases higher yields were measured in the Trifolium angulatum-covered grassland than in the control grassland, and statistical analysis showed a close correlation in all cases. Through our studies, we aimed to provide new data on the specific floristic events in environmentally managed grassland in the Pannonian Basin from a farmer's perspective.

  • Effect of organic fertilisation on yield and soil factor values of extensive grassland

    The effect of different rates of organic fertilizer was investigated on a natural grassland with solonyec soil conditions at the Karcag Research Institute in the second year after application. Of the mature sheep manure treatments applied at 0-10-15-20 t/ha, the 20 t/ha dose was shown to result in higher dry matter yields. In addition, the 20 t/ha dose of organic manure was shown to stimulate soil life, as supported by measurements of carbon dioxide emissions, and to help better conserve soil moisture.