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  • Effect of NPK fertilization and manure load on the grazed natural permanent grassland
    1. The 2nd year effects of fertilization at Cserkeszőlő site were not proven statistically in hay yield. However, the NP-fertilization and the sheep manure gave 1-1.5 t/ha hay surpluses at Bakonszeg farm. The mineral composition of the hay did not change significantly as a function of treatment neither at Cserkeszőlő, nor at Bakonszeg site.
    2. Elevated, in some cases extreme high K, N, Ca, P, Mg, S and partly Sr, Cd, B concentrations were found in the above ground plant tissue on the resting hump; as well as Fe, Na, Al, Cr and Co concentrations on the driveway. Plant samples were not cleaned or washed so surface pollution could also contribute to the abnormal composition.
    3. According to soil analyses the organic matter content increased in the 0-40 cm layer at watering-place and screen wall. The NO3-N content can reach 250-300 kg/ha level in the 0-1 m soil layer under the watering-place. The potassium rose more fold in the 0-40 cm layer at passageway, watering-place and near to screen wall. The NH4-acetate+EDTA-soluble P content of the whole 0-1 m layer showed 2-fold excess at driveway, 4-fold at resting hump, watering-place and screen wall, as well as 23-fold at passageway.
    4. The resting hump and passageway showed Zn pollution/accumulation. This phenomenon needs to be cleared by more examination. The soluble Fe increased in the topsoil near to screen wall, while soluble S in the topsoil of the watering place and around screen wall. The 0-20 cm soil layer had 72 mg/kg NH4-N and 25 mg/kg NO3-N, so N load can reach 300 kg/ha. The rear, suffering grass stand on this place can not use this N-pool, so here point pollution can be significant.


  • Digestibility and nutritive value of late mowed grassland

    Nutritive value of a fodder from extensive established pasture was tested. The nutrient content was measured by the Wendeeanalysis and by in vitro ruminant digestibility method. Results of former experiments showed that the nutritive value of an extensive established pasture in the case of late outdoor growing is low. In our results the highest crude protein content was in the year 2002, while in 2003 can be observed a steep decline, which showed in 2004 further decrease. The crude protein values were the highest in case of middle seed norm. The nutritive values of these pastures provide just supply for the demand and it was declined due to the negative N-balance in the rumen. Our results showed that the samples from the year of establishment could possibly be used for preserved feed (6.01 MJ NE l kg-1). The crop from all other years and sowing times did not reach a value of 5.00 MJ NE l kg-1, but approach a level of 4.4 to 4.5 MJ NE l kg-1, thus they would not be suitable for preserved feed. It can be recommended that this late season crop should rather be used for grazing of livestock than as preserved feed. 

  • Study of the agronomic value of artificial extensive grasslands

    The agricultural value of an extensive, alternativly used grassland with three seed densities (500 seed m-2, 1000 seed m-2 and 1500 seed m-2) and at two sowing times was examined in an established grassland experiment with herbs on sandy brown forest soil in Gödöllő in the spring and autumn of 2002.
    The results showed that treatment No. 3 (=1500 seed m-2) had the highest agricultural value. It can be concluded that the highest seed norm resulted in the highest grass cover. Through the estimated agricultural value, we have also proved that the grass established in autumn grows more vigorously than the dicotyledonous species. This follows from the biological characteristics of the two plant groups. The grasses are tolerant towards cold and perennial species, while most of the dicotyledonous are annual and prefer milder conditions.
    Grassland areas with the same ecological basis differ greatly as far as their plant composition is concerned, depending on seed density. In addition, the plant composition changes continusly according to sowing time.

  • Possibilities of restoration of natural or seminatural grasslands: Papers of the „Challenges and Aspects in Grassland Management” conference held on 22-23 May 2008.

    The number of natural grassland restoration projects increased in the last decade in Hungary, and probably the area of restored grasslands will be significantly extended in the next years due to New National Rural Development Program. To contribute to the success of this activity, in this paper we review the most important theoretical and practical aspects of natural grassland restoration methods. In the course of grassland restoration, habitats dominated by grasses and/or sedges have been restored in place of arable lands. In order to perform “natural” restoration, we should consider the ecological conditions of the landscape, and reconstruct natural or seminatural grasslands including of native plant species. Essentially, rehabilitation of natural landscape is supported also by creating new seminatural grassland patches. The basic principles of the natural grassland restoration are:

    1. When a spontaneous secondary succession starts to proceed on an abandoned field without invasion of any alien plant species, the re-ploughing of the abandoned field has to be ignored.

    2. Generally, the old fields surrounded by species-rich natural or seminatural grassland pathes can succesfully be restorated. Then, as a consequence of newly restored vegetation patches the recovery of the whole landscape can be accelerated. Furthermore, by restoring isolated grassland patches surrounded by arable lands a more diverse landscape pattern could be developed.

    3. Spontaneous secondary succession of grasslands should be assisted.

    4. The development of typical species composition of a seminatural grassland can be promoted by methods of spreaded hay. For successful process the hay has to be cut in a habitat type similar to ones that will be restored.

    5. Applying seed-mix for sowing can be useful to prevent spreading weeds drastically in the early stages of succession.

    6. Ideally, the seed-mix is originated from own harvesting or gathering from similar (or the same) habitats. If it is not possible, commercially available seed-mix can be applied, in which the dominant species is the same as in the restored habitat, with similar proportion.

    7. Seed-mix consists of alien species has to be avoided.

    8. If the composition or structure of the restored grassland is not appropriate after some years, the renewal of the grassland could be necessary. During the improvement process the reploughing of the restored grassland is avoided, but spreading seeds or hay, and direct sowing can be applied.

    9. The loading of nutrient is not necessary in any stages of grassland restoration.

    10. Applying chemicals is avoided; any herbicides can be used only when extensive invasion of alien plant species occurs.

    11. The mechanical intrusions on soil are also avoided.

    12. The restored grasslands is required regular or continuous management, which could be a preserving mowing or moderate grazing. The aspects of nature conservation should be considered.

  • Improvement of fallow grasslands

    1. A cserjés és kórós gyomok szárzúzás utáni sarjadékát, még elfásodás előtt, szelektív gyomirtó szerrel (MCPA + Dicamba 5 l/ha) kezelve teljes gyommentességet értünk el a kísérleti területen.
    2. A gyep termése az első évben a gyomirtás hatására csökkent, de ez pozitív hatás, mivel a füvek a gyomirtást követően nem szaporodtak még fel a területen.
    3. A csomós ebír és a magyar rozsnok felülvetése helyreállította a javított gyep vezérnövény- állományát.
    4. A tápanyag-ellátás javította a gyep hozamát, a 100 N kg/ha ammóniumnitrát hatóanyagú műtrágya-adag javasolható a gyakorlati felhasználásra.
    5. A nitrogén hatóanyag hasznosulását a területen hagyott növényi maradványok 10-20%-al csökkenthetik.
    6. A gyepalkotók faji összetételének javításával és a tápanyagellátás megfelelő szintű alkalmazásával helyreállítható és gazdaságossá tehető a terület állateltartó képessége.