Vol. 7 No. 1-2 (2009): Gyepgazdálkodási Közlemények (GS-07)

Published October 28, 2009


Cikk (Article)

  • Prospect of extending the grazing season on tall fescue pasture

    In Central European relation, no significant experience is available regarding the yield and quality of winter harvest pastures. The aim of our research was to collect information about the effect of pre utilisation (July, June, and August) and winter harvest date (November, December, January) on the quantity and quality of fodder The examined values were the dry matter yield, energy-, ADF-ADL and ergosterol contents of the yield. We found that: The shorter regeneration period of the between harvests resulted in lower dry matter yields, but also in higher energy concentration and lower ergosterol concentration. The yield and the energy concentration decreased whereas the ADF-ADL and ergosterol concentrations increased with the progress of winter. The fodder harvested in November produced the best results in terms of yield quantity and quality. Thus, in the experiment conducted in Festuca arundinacea stands, the highest yield and energy values were gained by harvesting in November, regardless of pre-utilisation. Despite the cold and the long-lasting snow cover, the energy values of the samples harvested in December and January showed no significant decrease. Regarding fodder quantity and quality, the weather conditions were more important than the frequency and time of harvesting Thus, under continental climate, i.e. in places like Hungary, extensive utilisation, until the end of November or the beginning of December, is recommended. 

  • The turn of the Somogy county red deer population from the 70-es to nowadays

    It is commonly known that the red deer population of Somogy County is of excellent quality, due to the good genetic background and habitat conditions. This article tries to point to the changing situation, as a consequence of the forced overharvest and the repeal of the so-called minus-point sanctions for the trophies (which can be evaluated as a too early harvest). The stag stock become markedly younger, the average age of the medal stags is decreasing while the female stock is aged. 

  • Results of grazing preference investigations incounty and abroad

    Many kinds of animals were already studied on which composition of pasture they reside most of their time, respectively which constituents of pasture they eat more pleasantly. In Hungary there have not been done any researches on the red deer grazing habitude in farming conditions yet. The target of this study was to examine which species of the plants are the most preferred by the red deer under the conditions of Bőszénfa’s area. The pasture planting was in 2005. At the choice of the species’ planted the climate conditions and relief of this area were taken into consideration. Seven kinds of pastures or pasture mixtures were planted in two repetitions. Because of the unfavourable weather conditions the development of planted pasture was slower than expected, in this manner the preferences examination was put off to 2007. The preference study of plots planted with different pasture constituents was carried out by grazing of 48 hinds. During the grazing season the time of residence of the grazing hinds on every single plot was measured 14 times by five hours’ observations. The observations could be carried out from April to the end of June because of the pasture plots were totally burnt out due to the lack of the moisture. Our measurements were completed with field reviews. During the reviews the most consumed species of plants were noted. The statistical analysis of the observed period was carried out in monthly dividing too. In April the gramineaes and the white clover (Trifolium repens L) were grazed in the same proportion (P<0.001) by the hinds, but they did not prefere the giant agrostis (Agrostis gigantea Roth) and the bunias orientalis (Bunias orientalis). In May the dears grazed the white clover the most intensively, and the gramineas on the right hand side, the giant agrostis and the bunias orientalis were eaten the least. In June the hinds spent the most time by grazing on the white clover, the graminneaes were mediumly grazed, the giant agrostis and the bunias orientalis were grazed almost not at all. Summarized the red deers spent the most of their grazing time on the white clover, while they grazed on the giant agrostis and on the bunias orientalis for the least time.

  • The effect of sheep manure the yield of primary growth o fan extensive natural grassland

    An experiment with overriped sheep-manure was carried out to make the environmental protective technology of nutrition on a cut grassland in the Karcag Research Institute of University of Debrecen, CAS. Based on our research results gained from a 4 year field experiment of Alopecuretum pratensis grassland association we have concluded that the 20 t/ha overriped sheep-manure the was optimum rate most favourable from economical point of niev and for increasing the rate of clovers in the sward. 

  • Conflicts between farming and nature reservation in grassland managements

    In the last few years important changes occurred in the grassland usage and in the grassland framing, which changes revised the farming circumstances of the grassland farmers. These changes come to the fore leading in the environment friendly, agricultural environment friendly programs, and drove farmers into a corner. The unfavorable economic conditions impressed the whole agriculture, because the grass hay user ruminant stock depressed drastically, farms with small animal stock and the herds ended countryside. The economic process did not serve animal husbandry recovery. Farmers see way out for the grassland sector, but on the marked factors we saw the impresses of the negative effects. We say this because they marked complementary seeding and reseeding as primary factors. Aims of the agricultural environment protection programs and the farmer’s cost-of-living will generate more conflicts. On these conflicts could ease rethinking the aims of the agricultural environment protecting programs, with lighten the strict directions of the nature conservation provisions and with ecological grassland farming.

  • Connective tissue eelworm Elaphostrongylus cervi larvaes in farmed and wild red deers

    The tissue worm Elaphostrongylus cervi is very common in red deer (Cervus elaphus) overall in Europe including Hungary. Its eggs are transported to the lung tissue by the bloodstream, where will be hatched. The first stage larvae are shed likewise the entire lungworm larvae. In the period of 2005-2009 altogether the faeces of 304 farmed and 94 wild living red deer were examined for E. cervi larvae using the Baermann sedimentation method. The larva occurrence data, according to age, sex and the time of sample collection, were analysed by the standard statistical methods used by parasitologists The results are demonstrated in diagrams. E. cervi larvae appeared in the faeces of the calves after six month-of-age (January). In the spring – 10-12 month-of-age – prevalence and intensity values were elevated. In deer over one year-of-age prevalence as high as 50-100% was detected repeatedly with varying intensity in farmed and wild animals equally. The prevalence of larva shedding was fluctuating seasonally in farmed deer, with lower values in early summer. However in calves it was high even in June. In farm stags no larva were detected in June (good body condition) in contrary to the 80% prevalence in November (weak condition after the rutting season). 

  • Grasslands owned or rented by sheep farmer sin the Great Hungarian Plain

    There have been some important changes in the land use and land possession during the last two decades. Land possession and land use were separated. Farmers typically work on rented lands all around Hungary and in the Great Plain too. The land market got frozen. During our survey we were looking for answers on the effect of transition caused to sheep branch and on the perspective the sheep farmers would have in the future. We found that the rate of rented lands was higher than the national average and the rate of rented grasslands was even more higher (75%) in the period 2003-2006. Farmers working on small lands and having low profitability (like sheep farmers) will have the worse chance to buy land after 2011, when the land market will be opened for foreigners. The land possession and the land use will be more separated for sheep farmers that reduces the viability of sheep farms. Due to the low profitability and the higher rental costs the native sheep population will decrease further. The sheep branch need a subsidy which is based on the breeding level and the bred utilization and also the SAPS or the SPS subsidy should be based on the livestock populations in case of grassland subsidy.

  • Data on botanical and animal feeding investigations of a sheep pasture in Káli Basin with special reference to nature reservation

    Sample grassland sites were investigated in Kővágóőrs (Káli Basin, Balaton Upland National Park, Hungary). The sample quadrates were designated in the following places: close to (0-100 metres) and away (250-500 metres) from the stable. Comparative coenological studies, forage values were investigated. Changes of species composition and ground cover, measure of possible regeneration or degradation were evaluated. It was examined how important grasses and pulses appeared or disappeared, how did the number of over-grazing tolerant species changed and how did the species composition influenced the nutritive value of the grassland. Results proved that among the plants there are either weeds poisonous and/or protected species, as well. Based on the results the characteristics of the examined grassland show the effects of grazing. According to results, observed grasslands have unfavourable species composition due to improper management practices and insufficient technological conditions.

  • Comparison of grasslands grazed by cattle, sheep and horses in Tapolca and Káli Basins

    Monitoring plots were in Káli and Tapolcai Basin, Balaton Upland National Park, Hungary. We investigated changes in species composition of 2-2 sheep, Hungarian Gray Cattle and horse pastures. The highest number of species was on the pastures of the Hungarian Gray Cattle. 41 species were common in each monitored plots, which are also important dominant species of natural associations and Poaceae species: Agrostis stolonifera, Festuca arundinacea, Deschampsia caespitosa, Lolium perenne, Bromus hordaceus subsp. hordaceus, Poa humilis, Alopecurus pratensis, Elymus repens, Dactylis glomerata, Poa angustifolia.

  • Investigations on grassland and nature reservation effect of horse grazing in Tapolca and Káli Basins (2008)

    Examined areas can be found in the Tapolca and Káli Basins near Köveskál and Nemesgulács. Near Köveskál 2 horses were grazed on a 1 ha grassland, which was on a degraded association of Cynodonti-Poëtum angustifoliae. Control area was found close to the grazed grassland where Salvinio-Festucetum rupicolae association was found. The grassland was grazed formerly by sheep. Near Nemesgulács 4 horses were grazed on a 6 ha pasture under free range grazing system (0.7 horse/ha) on a Cynodonti- Poëtum angustifoliae grassland that is situated on a slope. Sample areas were selected the upper (UTS) and lower (LTS) third of the slope. This area formerly was as vineyard. 5-5 replicates of 2 by 2 m coenological quadrates were monitored on each sample area. Sward composition was investigated by Braun-Blanquet method (1964) in the grazing season of 2008. Ground cover (D) species composition and species number (n) were evaluated as analytical parameters. Relative nitrogen demand (NB), social behavior types (SBT) (Borhidi, 1995) and nature conservation value categories (TVK) (Simon, 2000) were also analyzed. At the LTS of the slope near Nemesgulács we could find species with bigger proportions indicating nutrient rich production sites and N indicating Artemisia vulgaris, characteristic species of manured sites appeared, too. At the UTS their proportion was smaller. The reason for this difference is the nutrient run off the slope and its accumulation at the LTS. The reason for the low nutritive value of the grassland are the lack of valuable Poaceae and pulses species and the low total cover. Valuable plant species were grazed out of the sward and negative effects of trampling could have been observed. Concerning the selective grazing preference of horses, the species composition of this area is not suitable for horse grazing. Instead of horses the area could be more suitable for sheep grazing. Pasture near Köveskál had extremely high proportion of species requiring nutrient rich conditions that can be probably due to frequent depositions of excreta and urine by grazing horses. Both control and pasture areas has the highest (approx. 35% absolute) cover of natural species with disturbance tolerance. The biggest difference in nature conservation value categories was the decrease of association composing species on the pasture. This was mainly caused by the grazing out of Poa angustifolia that was the most valuable species in the association. Overgrazing and grazing method applied caused very low plant cover on the grazed pasture.

  • Botanical and grassland investigations in a pasture grazed by Hungarian grey catte in Badacsonytördemic in 2008

    Sample areas can be found in the Tapolcai Basins. Phytosociological samples were collected: 32 ha grassland stand with low intensity grazing (under-grazed pasture), 38 ha overgrazed pasture, 34 ha meadow (hayfield) and the stand where animals drank. The areas were suitable for following up the changes of vegetation and production during the grazing season of the year. 5 replicates of 2×2 m phytosociological samples plots were examined on each grasslands according to the Braun- Blanquet method (1964) in April, May, June, August and September 2008. 118 Hungarian Grey Cattle were grazed on the pastures. 14 species were common in each saple areas, wich are dominant species of natural grassland associations (Agrostis stolonifera, Festuca arundinacea, Deschampsia aespitose) in the region. The overgrazed pasture had only low nutritive value and contained high number of weed species. About one month per year grazing time in the undergrazed area was not enough to achieve a better state of species diversity, although the forage production of the area remained high. The number of species and the 32 ha grassland was high (58) weeds was due to the high number of weeds, however the nutritive value of this grassland was poor. The species number of the hayfield was lower (31) than and grassland, however species composition was better and the nutritive was higher. It seemed that management was suitable and the hayfield.

Szemle (Review)

  • Recent issues of animal welfare and health in sheep grazing

    This review paper presents an outlook on animal welfare measures and two potential sheep deceases with the objectives to assist sheep grazing farms in the region. Animal protection and welfare have been controlled by legal acts since 1978. Optimal animal keeping technologies, conditions of pain-free transport and slaughtering are described in specific acts and regulations, deviations from these conditions are fined. In the last decade special attention was paid to a couple of recent sheep deceases internationally: blue-tongue and scrapie. The scrapie, is not a recently recognized decease, but veterinary science turned towards it again as a consequence caused by the problem a cattle BSE decease. Fortunately, Hungary has been free from the scrapie for nearly 50 years. The bluetongue decease was taken to Hungary in 2008 from Western Europe with some imported animals. Strict animal health measures however made it possible for our country to get rid of this decease by now. 

  • Global challenges and demands for grassland use

    The purpose of this review is to outline the status quo regarding multifunctional and social demands on grasslands. The products and services that grassland ecosystems can provide society are detailed. Existing agro-policies are reviewed as to how they reflect social demands on grasslands. A farm level analysis considers many factors that may influence the fulfilment of social demands. Conclusions are drawn on the future of grassland use under different socio-economic conditions. Traditional (meat, milk, fibre, medicinal plants, fuel, power) and non-traditional (branded products, biodiversity as gene pool, biomass for energy) products are identified. Services of grasslands are summarized at three different levels viz. globally (regulation of climate, air quality, water resources, soil health, carbon sequestration, maintaining biodiversity), regionally (aesthetic and landscape values) and locally (preservation of cultural heritage, maintenance of the significance of religion for pastoralism). Targeted policies are emerging that assist in sustaining healthy grassland ecosystems and fulfilling multifunctional demands at different social levels. In spite of these policies, the future of the world's grasslands seems to vary by country, according to the level of development. In poor countries, production from grassland will remain of vital importance (in some cases, with the threat of ecosystem degradation), whilst at the same time, ecological and amenity uses of grassland appear to be ignored. Trends in the function of grassland ecosystems in developed countries seem to be just the opposite. The importance of production is declining, while ecological and amenity functions receive increasing attention in response to multifunctional and social demands. Due to the national conditions the future of grassland use in Hungary will differ from these patterns. The production from grassland is going to be negligible. The ecological role (landscape, biodiversity) will remain very important. Remarkable increase is predicted in the amenity role of grasslands following the overall economic development in the country.

  • The role of sheep grazing in nature reservation

    Economic and social changes in the last two decades reduced the grazing animal systems more or less to the nature reservation areas. The main objective of these grazing systems on these areas is the preservation of natural treasures herited from the past. Beside that, grazing systems have social (employment) and economic (production) roles as well in some areas of the country. In this paper connections between sheep grazing and the maintenance of different grassland associations of Hungary are investigated from the point of nature reservation friendly farming systems. In general sheep grazing have more positive effects on nature reservation grasslands than its negative effects. It is not difficult to identify the negative effects and to apply proper practical methods avoiding or reducing these effects. Sheep grazing is a proper tool to handle the fragmentation of some of the national grassland areas so it must be kept on as a critical method in the natura friendly farming practices.

Grass News

  • Touristic attractions from grazier’s culture

    2009-ben nemzetközi összefogás révén kialakult egy országokon átívelő tematikus útvonal terve, amely Hortobágytól Ausztrián keresztül egészen a németországi Augsburgig vezetne. Az országokat és régiókat összekötő „Magyar Szürkék Útja” hitelesen mutatná be az évszázadokon keresztül folyó marhahajtás történetét, és egy új típusú, minőségi turizmust hozhat a régiónkba, igényes vendégkörrel.

    A Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság három hortobágyi csárda vagyonkezelője. 2009-ben sikeresen pályázott „Történelem Országútján” című pályázatával egy tematikus csárdaútvonal kialakítására, amelyen keresztül hitelesen bemutathatóak az alföldi csárdák.