
Székely György történészprofesszor (1924–2016)

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ifj. Barta, J. (2016). Székely György történészprofesszor (1924–2016). Gerundium, 7(3-4), 207-212. https://ojs.lib.unideb.hu/gerundium/article/view/1323

Commemorating Professor György Székely. This professor of history of Loránt Eötvös University of Arts and Sciences possessed an unusually broad range of professional interests. In one phase of his professional career he showed a profound interest in the history of Hungarian universities of medieval times: Pécs, Óduda, Pozsony and he elaborated on this issue in a number of studies. The related study offers a survey of the university historical work of Professor Székely, who passed away in 2016, at the age of 92, also providing a synopsis of the most significant stages of his professional career.

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