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  • An Undeservedly Forgott en Publication Series. The Studies of the Teacher Training Institute of the Reformed Colleges of Debrecen

    The Calvinist Teacher Training Institute of Debrecen was modelled after the Eötvös Collegium of Budapest. It trained teachers for Hungarian Calvinist secondary schools between 1925 and 1952 by means of supplementary courses. The students of the Institute got significant impulses for their academic research from their tutors. Many of them became determining figures of Hungarian culture and education by the middle of the 20th century. The publication series published their doctoral theses and other academic papers on the 3000 pages of the 28 volumes between 1936 and 1943. This study aims to present the circumstances of the beginning, the termination and the intellectual profile of the series titled „Acta Instituti Paedagogici Collegii Debreceniensis”.

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