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    The medical training at the Faculty of Medicine of the Debrecen Hungarian Royal University started in 1921. The Department of Mental and Neurological Diseases began its operation in 1921 at the Magoss György Square (current Bem square) under the leadership of László Benedek. The clinic moved to its new building at the Nagyerdő in 1927. László Benedek was succeeded by István Somogyi in 1937, and by Kálmán Sántha in 1938. Sántha’s main merit was the introduction of neurosurgery procedures and the establishment of the neurosurgery unit in Debrecen. He was convicted with fictional political accusations, and exiled to Balassagyarmat in 1951. Although rehabilitated in 1956, he was unable to return to the clinic in Debrecen. While Sántha worked at Balassagyarmat, the clinic was run by Sándor Rusz. Between 1957 and 1967 Pál Juhász had been the director of the clinic, who established a neurosis unit and EEG laboratory. After a two-year transitional period, László Molnár was appointed to be head of the clinic in 1969. Realizing that stroke is a public health issue, he was among the first who established a cerebrovascular unit in Europe. He was succeeded by László Csiba, who led the clinic between 1992 and 2017. The separation of the Department of Neurology and Department of Psychiaty in 1992, as well as the relocation of the Department of Neurology to the Auguszta area took place during his leadership. Professor Csiba established an excellent stroke center, and introduced reperfusion therapies in Debrecen. Currently, the Department of Neurology is headed by László Oláh.

  • Benedek László ideggyógyász-professzor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1935–36. tanévi rector magnificusa
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    László Benedek Professor of the Neurology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1935/1936. The first professor of neurology and psychiatry and the director of the Department of Neurology of the University of Debrecen between 1921 and 1936 was László Benedek who studied at Cluj as a student of Károly Lechner. In the academic year of 1935/36 he held the post of the Rector of the university. This period was the era of silent development in the life of the university. Benedek as Rector focused on improving the living circumstances of the students. After his rectorate he was appointed to a professorship of the Péter Pázmány University of Arts and Sciences and the director of the Clinic of Neurology and Psychiatry in Budapest. His wife was the wellknown actress Irén Zilahy. After her tragic death in April 1944 Benedek collapsed and in March 1945 he committed suicide in Kitzbühel in Austria. László Benedek was a brilliant lecturer, an urging leader, and an inventive professor of science whose work in several partial branches of science was outstanding.

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának tansegédszemélyzete 1919–1950 II. rész: Klinikák

    The Assista nt Personnel of the Medical School of the University of Debrecen, 1919–1950. Part 2: The Clinics/1. Indispensable participants of the teaching and therapeutic activities of the Medical School of the University of Debrecen were the personnel assisting the work of the professors. The register is designed to serve as an overall recording of the pertinent data of the departmental professors, assistant professors, instructors, interns, and teaching assistants. In this second part the assistant personnel of the following  clinics is registered: Clinic of Neurology and Psychiatry, Clinic of Ophthalmology, Clinic of Pediatry, Clinic of Dermatology and Sexual Pathology, Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. II.

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