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  • Ramism in the KIngdom of Hungary and in Transylvania

    Ramism in the Kingdom of Hungary and in Transylvania. The study reviews the impacts of Ramism on the scholarly, pedagogical, and cultural life of the Kingdom of Hungary and of Transylvania, including the local publications in grammar, rhetoric, homiletics, and logic, and the presence of Ramist considerations and components in domestic education. Judging by the evidence of its reception in Hungary and Transylvania, we can conclude that Ramist influence was present in the main Calvinist institutions, that is, in the colleges at Gyulafehérvár, Kolozsvár, Sárospatak, Várad, and Debrecen during the mid- and late seventeenth century. Such influence affected the whole system of classification of the academic sciences, and elements of Ramism remained detectable until the mid-eighteenth century. More sporadic, but not insignificant, was Ramist influence usually taking a more syncretic form at Lutheran institutions that adhered to essentially Melanchthonian pedagogy.

    Literary works by Hungarian authors with Ramist and, often, Puritan convictions are clearly understandable texts characterized by their conceptual plainness and clarity, which include only a few elements of belletrism, affective attraction, and literary originality in their predominantly rational argumentation. That such texts strive primarily for intellectual rationality is clearly connected with the authors’ Ramist mindsets, because, under a strictly Ramist theoretical framework, only a small number of the taxonomic processes which distinguish literary works from the natural order of precise, objective, rational discourse could be accepted.

  • A nyugat-európai akadémiai tanulmányok és a magyarországi rámizmus
    25 - 50

    Studies at Western European Academies and the Hungarian Ramism. Recent schools of the history of ideas do not study the „influence” of one outstanding personality primarily but more the way numerous thinkers receive and utilise elements of the sets of ideas connected to the name. It is especially true in the case of Petrus Ramus. The interpretation of Ramism is not feasible if we focus on exploring one coherent intention of the author (or several of them). It seems more fruitful to study the multi-faceted community of interpreters that was driven to hold certain positions by personal conviction, institutional needs, or confessional identity. These people found the suitable framework for asserting their positions in one or the other of the many processes of Ramism, that is, they connected their aspirations to paradigms that they believed to be Ramist. His earliest acquaintances from Hungary and Transylvania met Ramus in Paris, several of them before his conversion to Protestantism (1561). Outlining these early connections poses no problem, since there are only a handful of Hungarians who had personal connection to him. All of them are members of the humanist elite, professional philologists. The influence of Ramus that came from the German academic world to Hungary and Transylvania seems far more important than the sporadic and haphazard personal connections. These influences are much more multitudinous, because they grow out of the system of connections organically embedded in the studies of Hungarian youngsters at foreign universities. Obviously, Ramus could affect Hungarian and Transylvanian young people by this way only after his reception in Germany started to take shape. This means that this aspect of the processes can be discussed beginning with the 1570s. Early traces are sporadic, and a deeper, systemic influence on thinking and history of ideas in Hungary and Transylvania by Ramism is relevant only from the early 17th century.

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