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    . In 2013, the Faculty of Dentistry (University of Debrecen) established a museum. The part of the museum, created primary, deals with the past of the faculty, documenting the establishment of its predecessor, the Stomatology Polyclinic, and later the Clinic itself. Its professors are ranged until the year 2000 and the textbooks and manuals in Hungarian-language are presented from 1871 to 1948. The world's first dental journal from 1839 and the first Hungarian-language newspaper from 1892 are also shown. Longstanding tools and instruments are correspondingly on display. Dental posters, recon bills and other old documents can also be seen. The glass-walled contemporary dental office, established in 2017, displays three classical dental units and machinery from the 1880s to the 1930s. A contemporary medical cabinet displays old tools, medications, and dental materials. On the wall besides the original poster, the medical diploma and the old photo, a medical caricature can also be seen. The museum principally collects contemporary dental tools and documents related to Hungary and holds only original resources. One of the largest dental museums in Hungary has been established over the years


    Unexpectedly, during the summer of 2021, we obtained the book legacy of Professor Péter Adler. Professor Adler was the leader of the Stomatology Clinic between 1946-1978 in Debrecen and he was an internationally recognized specialist. As part of the legacy, we also received an American dental journal. The issue of 1947, which included an anonymous article written by a Hungarian dentist. It reports on his ordeal during the years of the 2nd World War. It is clear from the data and descriptions that Professor Péter Adler wrote the publication. It is a thought-provoking reading, but it shows of course a somewhat subjective approach and it should be noted that it was written for foreigners, primarily Americans. Its peculiarity is that it has not appeared up till now anywhere in Hungarian - as far as I know. His publication at the time can be dated to the beginning of the Cold War, which may explain why the author requested anonymity. The article contains important gap-filling information for the better understanding of the era.


    The University of Medicine in Debrecen hosted a significant event July 14-17. 1970. The 17th Congress of the European ORganisation for CAries Research (ORCA) was held here to pay tribute to the scientific activity of Professor Péter Adler, the lieder of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. He achieved significant results in fluoride research and celebrated his 60th birthday that year. About 200 registered participants came from all over the world, of which 32 were locals. Of the 48 lectures, 5 were held by Hungarians (2 from Debrecen). The entire editorial board of the notable journal Caries Research was also present. This  international congress was the first event of local dentistry to be held in a socialist country and even decades later many well-known  researchers recalled the pleasant days of Debrecen.

  • History of the Stomatology Clinic of the University of Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor József Szentpétery and Gusztáv Keszthelyi (1979-2000)

    History of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor József Szentpétery and Professor Gusztáv Keszthelyi (19792000). From July 1, 1979 József Szentpétery was appointed to lead the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. His main task was the curriculum-development of dental education, that started three years ago and to bring it closer to the curriculum of other Hungarian universities.

    The lack of staff and facility also made it difficult to organize education. He brought teachers from Szeged and employed fresh graduates. In 1981 the new building of the clinic was completed.

    From July 1986 Professor Gusztáv Keszthelyi became the director of the clinic. He completed the reconstruction of Oral Surgery, established a new lecture room and created departments. In 1997-98 he created a new phantom practice room, thus more students could attend the 3rd year preclinical practice. He inspired lecturers to do scientific work. Between 19942001 nine lecturers were awarded with scientific degrees. He wrote and edited a textbook that survived 2 editions. He went to early retirement in 2001, was later appointed Professor emeritus and returned to teach in Hungarian and in English.




  • A debreceni Stomatologiai Klinika története Adler Péter professzor vezetése alatt (1946–1979)
    11 - 23

    History of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen under the Leadership of Professor Péter Adler (1946–1979). With the approaching front of the 2nd World War in October 9, 1944, Professor András Csilléry head of the Stomatology Clinic left Debrecen because of his political views, so the institution remained without a leader until 17th November. Thereafter as a substitute, trainees then Stefánia Morvay Assistant Lecturer under the supervision of Professor Gyula Verzár was the head. From June 20, 1946, Péter Adler was assigned to the lead, which was one of the longest leading positions of the Faculty of Medicine since he was director of the clinic until July 1, 1979. Péter Adler graduated from the University of Vienna, where he specialized in the field of Dentistry and worked at the Department of Orthodontics at the Polyclinic of Vienna, while in spring 1939 he had to return home for political reasons. During the war he worked as a translator and then assigned to forced labor, and after the war, he was placed to the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. From 1948 he worked as a chief clinician, in 1952 he became candidate of sciences (CSc), and in 1953 he was appointed as a university professor. He received Doctor of Science (DSc) degree in 1957. He was a member of the editorial board of several foreign professional journals, he was accepted by several international editorial boards, wrote several textbooks. He translated two books written by others into German. He was chairman of the Association of Hungarian Dentists and Editor-in-Chief of the Stomatologica Hungarica. The main topics of the research at the Stomatology Clinic are: examination of hypersensitivity to dental anesthetics, clarification of many details of caries epidemiology, proof of the protective effect of fluoride against caries. Under his leadership there was a dynamic scientific work on the Stomatology Clinic, proven by the fact that between 1945–1980 12 books, 487 publications, book chapters and monographs appeared, which was unique among similar national institutions. He lay down the fundaments of the dental education in 1976 and contributed the architectural and professional requirements of the new Stomatology Clinic in 1981.

  • A Debreceni Stomatologiai Klinika kialakulásának története

    The foundation history of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. The Hungarian Royal University was opened in the autumn of 1914 and the Medical Faculty was formed in 1918. Already in 1921 the Medical Faculty has applied for the establishment of a Stomatology Clinic from the government, but mainly because of financial reasons the request was turned aside. In the upcoming years the request was repeated several times, without any success. Finally the Medical Faculty has established the Stomatology Polyclinic in the East Wing of the Surgical Clinic, which was opened in 15. February 1935. András Csilléry a dentist of Budapest the former Minister of Public Health and Welfare was called for leader in professional lecturer’s position. In the autumn of 1935 the undergraduate studies begun. In September of 1936 was a new surgery opened to treat the students in the main building of the university. In January of 1937 the school dental care was launched. In the summer of 1940 Csilléry was named university professor and he was elected as head of the Stomatology Clinic, placed in to the East Wing of the Ophthalmic Clinic of the ceremonial event on 30 November 1940.


    With the legacy of Professor Péter Adler, we received a tape recording. On this a radio interview with himself can be heard. The radio-report was broadcast in 1983. Here he gives a detailed account about his life, work, and achievements. The information and data presented significantly contribute to the understanding of the period and gives insight to the operation of the Stomatology Clinic. The interview was made in the year of his passing, so it is a sort of sum up and a closure to his career. The report is approx. 20 minutes long, which is published in its entirety in this article.

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