Editorial Team

ISSN 2061-5132 (Print)

ISSN 2051-7097 (Online)

ISSN -L 2061-5132


Fésüs László, member of the Hungarian National Academy of Science (University of Debrecen, Institut of Biochemical and Molecular Biology) SCOPUS ID

Chief Editors

Szabó Béla full professor(Univerity of Debrecen, Department of History of Law) ORCID

Szögi László honorary professor (Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest)

Past Chief Editor: Bitskey István, member of the Hungarian National Academy of Science (University of Debrecen, Department of Hungarian Literature and Cultural History);

Online Technical  Editor

Virágos Márta senior researcher (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Informatics) ORCiD , SCOPUS ID , Research Gate

Editorial Board: Ifj. Barta János (University of Debrecen, Department of History), Bozzay Réka (University of Debrecen, Department of Dutch Studies) ORCID ;Fésüs László (University of Debrecen, Institut of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), Hajnal Ward Judit ( Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, US) Hegyi Ádám (University of Szeged, Department of Cultural Heritage and Human Information Science), Győri L. János (Reformate University of Theology of Debrecen, Institut of Culture and History of Education),  Kátai János (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Agricutural Sciences), Mudrák József secretary (University of Debrecen,Conference Center and Medical History Collections),  Szögi László Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest), Virágos Márta (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Informatics)
Advisory Board:  Amedeo Di Francesco (East University of Naple, Italy) Kapronczay Károly (Medical History Museum, Hungary), Nagy László Kálmán (Jagello University of Krakow, Poland), Robert Offner (Universitatsklinikum, Regensburg, Németország), Ferenc Postma (Netherlands), Sipos Gábor (Roumanie)
Editor: Debrecen University Press
Published  in 4 issues, II. quarter (June) and IV. quarter (December) of the year

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