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Az eperjesi evangélikus kollégium tanárainak egyetemjárása a 19. század közepéig
177-189Megtekintések száma:90University Studies of Professors at the evangelical Colleg of Presov up to 19th century. Evangelical College in Presov, as one of the most important evangelical schools in Hungary, considered the high quality education of its teachers to be very important since its establishment, and as a rule, the positions of professors were occupied by the graduates of German universities. Before establishment of the College, the Town Council likewise had seen to it that the humanistic „gymnasium” had been lead by rectors with high quality university education. This paper aims at creating a portrait of studies of professors at Evangelical College in Presov, and at its predecessor – the Municipal Lutheran Gymnasium over a period of three centuries, from the half of the 16 th to the half of the 19 th centuries whereby the data about its rectors, conrecors and subrectors were used as a source. In the period of these three centuries 111 Presov Evangelical rectors, conrectors and subrectors acquired their education at 26 universities or colleges. Most of them, 34, studied at Wittenberg (30%), followed by Jena (11), Tübingen (7), Thorn (6), Halle (4), Vienna (4) and Frankfurt (4). Three of them graduated from the University in Altdorf, two in Greifswald and the Reformed College in Sarospatak and by one in Rostock, Prague, Gdansk, Graz, Strassburg, Helmstädt, Erfurt, Giessen, Erlangen, Rinteln, Paris, Vratislav, Dresden and Göttingen. Other 16 professors studied at unknown places, eventually did not obtained higher education. 20 professors obtained their education at more than one university or college, most of them (7) in the first period of existence of the College (1667–1711), and least of them (2) in the first half of the 19 th century.
Eperjes - Az evangélikus jogakadémia 1918/19-es tanéve és Miskolcra költözése
80-89Megtekintések száma:218Az eperjesi jogi akadémiát 1862-ben alapították újjá, és az iskola ezzel a felvidéki családok fontos képzőhelyévé vált. Az I. világháború során az oktatást sokszor megzavarták az elszállásolt katonák, és nehézséget
okozott a harcoló oktatók helyettesítése. A háború után, de még Trianon előtt szóba került az iskola Miskolcra telepítése. Eperjes csehszlovák megszállása után (1918 decembere) és a jogi képzés betiltása után az iskolát
márciusban Miskolcra költöztették, ahol az ősszel megkezdődhetett az oktatás. -
Bruckner Győző (1877–1962)
15-24Megtekintések száma:87Győző Bruckner (1877–1962). Between the two world wars, the director and prominent teacher of the Augustan Evangelical Academy of Law—which was moved to Miskolc after Preşov was annexed to Czechoslovakia— was Győző Bruckner, who came from a German-Saxon Zipser family. His primary fields of professional interest were the cultural history of the Uplands region, the history and legal relations of the Spiş mining towns. hese interests of his remained enduring and he published a number of fundamental
studies and monographs pertaining to these subjects. Bruckner is, however, known not only for his work in legal and cultural history, but he also played a signiicant role in the life of the evangelical church, and he had a crucial role in the development of the legal academy of Miskolc. In addition, he published a series of books and a periodical in support of the work of the college he headed. He lived to see the closing-down of his beloved legal academy, of which, after he retired in pension, he himself wrote a history