Call for papers

European case studies of economic, social and cultural diversity II.

The 2023 issue of Ethnographica et Folkloristica Carpathica focused on European case studies of economic, social, and cultural diversity. Due to the complexity of the topic, we want to continue exploring the various forms of diversity this year. We are open to entirely new topics, but we also provide the opportunity to think and reflect further on the topics and questions raised in the previous issue; to form a kind of dialogue.

Diversity has several forms and expressions that may show similarities and significant differences in the cultures of various peoples and communities. We keep inviting researchers to discuss the numerous manifestations of diversity in European communities and across the continent's borders and to investigate whether it is possible to compare these cultural patterns and to what extent they are divergent.

The new issue of Ethnographica et Folkloristica Carpathica focuses on a wide range of topics and approaches related to the interpretation and interpretability of economic, cultural and social diversity. Consequently, we encourage submissions with cross-disciplinary theoretical perspectives on ethnography, cultural anthropology, folklore, history, literature and linguistics, sociology, philosophy and psychology. At the same time, we invite researchers to present empirical case studies and provide an in-depth analysis of selected ethnic and minority groups. The issue aims to deliver a comprehensive overview of cultural change and a multidimensional analysis of cultural interactions in various contexts. We want to pay special attention to the interrelationship between the economy and the socio-cultural spheres of society.

Submissions should address any of the following issues:


  1. European case studies of the dynamics of diversity;
  2. Cultural implications of social diversity;
  3. Spatiality of economic, social and cultural differences;
  4. Natural and constructed spaces, memorial sites, commemorative rites;
  5. Approaches to the Other in the European Humanities;
  6. Mediatized spaces of diversity;
  7. Interculturality and intermediality;
  8. Economic strategies of diversity;
  9. Ethnicity and minorities;
  10. Interfaces of social diversity;
  11. Cultural differences in teaching and learning.

The manuscript can be written in English or German.

The deadline for the submission is the 1st of May 2024.

When you prepare your manuscript for submission, use the author guidelines instructions (Submit online menu item). Please read and follow them as closely as possible, as doing so will ensure your paper matches the journal's requirements.