New pharmaceutical technologies

Orally dispersible dosage forms: possibilites of application and formulation


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How To Cite
Selected Style: APA
Dávid, S., Doma, E., Varga, M., & Bácskay, I. (2023). Orally dispersible dosage forms: possibilites of application and formulation. Health Innovation Review, 2(2), 2-7.

Taking several aspects into account, it can be stated that oral dosage forms are the preferred in pharmacotherapy. Depending on the needs and limitations of different patient groups, pharmaceutical technology offers several options for oral administration. Different types of preparations have different advantages and, of course, disadvantages, and in many cases different production needs. Orally dispersible solid pharmaceutical preparations can themselves be divided into several groups, and in the case of specific groups of active ingredients, a significant increase in bioavailability and patient compliance can be achieved with their use. However, they must meet several specific conditions during their formulation.