Author Guidelines

Manuscript preparation:

Authors must use the provided Microsoft Word .docx template to prepare their manuscripts. If available, ORCID identifiers of the authors should be included into the manuscript. The template contains all stylistic requirements, including font type and size for titles, subtitles and the main text, captioning of figure and tables etc. All figures and tables must be inserted into their intended place. A minimum of 300 DPI resolution is required in case of figures. Vancouver style references with DOI numbers are required, use of reference management software like Zotero , Mendeley or EndNote is advised. American English and spelling should be used. Both research and review papers must start with a 200-250 word long abstract, indicating the scope and main conclusions of the paper. After the abstract, the manuscript must be organized according to the following chapters: introduction, materials and methods (except review articles), results, discussion, conclusions, (acknowledgements) and references. The overall length of the manuscript, excluding the references, should be between 8000–16000 characters without spacing.   

Peer-review process:

Editorial check:

The peer-review process begins with the editorial check of the format of the manuscript. If the submitted file does not meet the requirements set within the template file, the manuscript will be rejected. Also, the peer-review process cannot start without a properly filled Declaration by the Authors document. After the format of the manuscript is checked submissions will be considered by the editors to determine whether they fall within the scope of the journal. To avoid plagiarism, after the submission, the manuscripts will be checked by an external plagiarism search software. If the similarity index is too high (above 20%) the manuscript will be immediately rejected. Appropriate submissions will be sent out for full external review. The submissions not falling within the scope of the journal will be returned to the submitting author quickly so that submission elsewhere will not be delayed. Editors have the authority over the editorial content and are responsible to manage the peer review process of the manuscripts. The editor-in-chief makes the final decision about the articles to be published. The editor evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, origin or political philosophy of the authors.

Peer-review process:

The main task of the Reviewer is to help improve the quality of the manuscript with the appropriate care and attention, review the manuscript objectively and being constructively critical. Invitation to Reviewers –at least two reviewers per manuscript - are assigned by the editors to review a manuscript. Reviewer candidates have 4 days to accept or refuse the invitation. De Remediis uses single-blind review policy. Reviewers are chosen based on their scientific expertise and publication activity. Any chosen reviewer who feels unqualified to evaluate the manuscript or has conflict of interest in the invitation must inform the editor. If the invited reviewer knows that the prompt review will be impossible, he/she should notify the responsible editor and excuse himself/herself from the review process. As responses are received, further invitations are issued, if necessary, until at least 2 acceptances are obtained. The Reviewer must treat the manuscript in a confidential manner and not use any part of the content of the reviewed manuscript for his or her future research as the reviewing manuscript is not published yet.

 The following aspects must be considered by our Reviewers:

- Is the subject of the article within the scope of the journal?

- Does the title clearly and sufficiently reflect its content?

- Are the presentation, organization and length satisfactory?

- Can you suggest additions or amendments (words, phrases or others) that will increase the value of this paper for an international audience?

- Is the quality of the English satisfactory?

- Are the references adequate and are they all necessary?

If there are serious methodological errors, low levels of results, or missing discussions, the reviewer can reject the manuscript without further consideration. Specific issues must be marked in their respective lines and their corresponding figures or tables if necessary. General recommendations regarding the article and spell checking is also encouraged to be included into the review report. Reports should be returned to the journal within 20 days. The review is then submitted to the journal, according to the following possible decisions:

A: accepted without change,

B: minor revisions required,

C: major revisions required,

D: resubmission after modifications,

E: rejected.

The editors consider the returned reviews before making an overall decision. If the reviews differ widely, the editors invite an additional reviewer to get an extra opinion before making a decision. The editors decide on the publication of papers, taking into account peer reviews, scientific importance, and recommendations of the Editorial Board members. The decision is communicated. The editors send a decision email to the correspondence author, including any relevant comments. If the manuscript is accepted, the manuscript is sent to production. If the article is rejected or sent back for either major or minor revision, the editors include the comments from the reviewers to help the authors improve the paper. If the paper was sent back to authors for revision, the reviewers should expect to receive a new version, unless they have opted out of further participation. However, where only minor changes were requested, this follow-up review might be done by the editors. De Remediis provides 10 days for resubmitting manuscripts after major or minor revisions, which can be extended if further experiments are required. After acceptance, proofreading by the authors is required within 3 days. After proofreading, the author accepted versions will be published in the next issue of De Remediis 

De Remediis editorial team, authors and reviewers must follow COPE's guidelines in ethical issues regarding publication activity.