Vol. 46 (2010)

Published September 1, 2010



  • A Rhodian amphora handle in a private collection in Hungary

    Publication of an amphora seal signed with the name Ainêtôr, from a Hungarian private collection.

  • The date and circumstances of the Heliodoros affair: Considerations on the Seleucus IV dossier from Maresha

    In 2005 and 2006 in the Hellenistic city of Marise (Marisha/Bet Guvrin, Israel) five adjoining fragments of a Greek inscription has been found. The stele contains three letters: an order from Seleucus IV (187-175 B.C.) to his chancellor Heliodoros about a certain Olympiodoros, who was put in charge of the sanctuaries of Koilē Syria and Phoinikē; a letter from Heliodoros to Dorymenes (who was in all probability the strategos of Koilē Syria and Phoinikē at that time); and a letter from Dorymenes to a certain Diophanes (probably the hyparchos of the district of Marise). The letters are dated to the month Gorpiaios of the year 134 S.E. (summer of 178 B.C.). There is no doubt that Heliodoros in the dossier of Marise, and Heliodoros in the Second Book of Maccabees (ch. 3–4) is the same person who attempted to plunder the Temple of Jerusalem, but according to the 2Macc 3:25–27 he has suffered a divine punishment. In this paper I am arguing that the “Heliodoros-affair” happened in the earlier years of Seleucus IV’s reign, probably nine or eight years before Olympiodoros was put in charge of religious affairs in Koilē Syria and Phoinikē. If we accept this chronological order, the known list of four strategoi of Koilē Syria and Phoinikē can be easily put together.

  • Horace on Terence (Epist. 2,1,59)

    In Horace’s Epistle to Augustus the estimate of Terence may be less positive than is generally believed. This reinterpretation is based first on classical views of acoustic concinnity, then on etymological considerations.

  • Scene di pesca e di caccia in Oct. 409–417

    La discussione dell’erronea lezione di Oct. 412 vel calamo aut levi, alla luce delle peculiarità lessicali e sintattiche del passo, la ricostruzione della sua genesi nel contesto della tradizione manoscritta, il confronto coi loci paralleli consentono di postulare un emendamento che risulta attendibile sotto il profilo paleografico, metrico-prosodico, stilistico, tematico. Emergono altresì rapporti intertestuali con luoghi sicuramente senecani, in particolare con Ep. ad Lucil. 90, che delineano una comune matrice culturale e filosofica.

  • Antulla’s tomb and Martial’s: poetic closure in book 1

    The final seven epigrams of Martial’s Book 1 form a subtle but important closural sequence (epigrams 1.112-1.118 inclusive). Despite their great variatio of topics, the seven epigrams are linked through concerns about the boundary between life and death, the integrity of a monument, and the theme of dignus legi, or what makes someone “worthy of being read.” Through a series of close readings, this article argues for the coherence of this sequence on formal, thematic, and verbal grounds. The sequence is centered on a pair of epigrams on the kepotaphion or tomb-garden of a young girl named Antulla (1.114 and 1.116). The function of this closural sequence is both formal, to bring closure to a disparate collection of epigrams, and thematic, to reprise themes from the mock-epitaph with which Martial opens book 1 (1.1).

  • Ancient cases of congenital disorders and their social causes

    More than 79 cases of children born with congenital defects are known from Greek and Roman literature. Although it is extremely difficult if not impossible to identify a single potential cause for it, attempts at explanation are already found in ancient writers. With the help of modern teratological science many teratogenous causes can partly be identified. Some of the most probable factors among these were the same as today: malnutrition, viruses, alcohol, vitamin deficiencies etc., but lead poisoning has to be taken also into account as a principal cause.

  • Das Forum von Brigetio

    An inscription, discovered in Kelamantia, but coming from the amphitheatre of Brigetio, includes the term ‘forenses’. These forenses had been interpreted as inhabitants of Forum Hadriani, who had reserved places in the amphitheatre of Brigetio. The author contests this opinion and shows that the forenses are the inhabitants of one of the two civil settlements of the the camp of Brigetio, most probably of the the vicus situated 2 km west of the camp. Under Septimius Severus or Caracalla this vicus will receive the rank of a municipium.

  • Ein Ziegelstempel der Cohors V Callaecorum Lucensium aus Crumerum

    This article presents a tile stamp from Crumerum/Nyergesújfalu, which can be dated to 2nd - 3rd century AD on the basis of military historical evidence. With reference to the new find, it also examines another tile stamp of cohors V Callaecorum Lucensium, which was found in Gerulata/Rusovce.

  • The inscription of the statue of Divus Commodus in Sopron

    The collection of the Liszt Ferenc Museum Sopron, contains, among other pieces, a fragment of a marble slab. The elegantly cut letters follow the writing style of the Antonine age, with their forms close to those of scriptura monumentalis. The formal features of the fragment, its thickness and frame breadth as well as its elaboration suggest, excluding the possibility of funerary or building contexts, that the slab was the front side of a statue base. The letters COM at the beginning of the first line can be restored to give the name Com[modus], while the fragmentary word FRAT in line 2 gives frat[er] or some of its inflected forms, if one considers the internal coherence of the two words and excludes similar but improbable variants.

  • Firme di artisti / produttori di specchietti in piombo con superficie riflettente in vetro

    In this short contribution we present lead mirrors with reflective glass surface that are characterized by the presence of the signature of the plumbarius and / or the creator of the form. These few but interesting epigraphic attestations allow some thoughts on how to produce this type of material and also on the people who were involved.

  • To a beautiful soul. Inscriptions on lead mirrors (Collection of Roman Antiquities, Hungarian National Museum)

    There is a collection of several hundred small Roman lead mirrors (former private collection) in the Hungarian National Museum. Greek or Latin inscriptions can be read on 17 mirrors. The present study publishes these items along with the drawings of the inscriptions. Such mirrors were found mainly in graves of women, functioning as escorts to the souls of the dead and as apotropaic amulets.

  • Nuevas observaciones de lectura de una matriz de molde para crustula de Aquincum

    The paper examines again a form of the well-known crustula from Aquincum, and suggests some new possibilities for various readings of the lectio vulgata.

  • Erneut über eine Familie von Fabiern aus Apulum

    This is a broad treatment of the family of T. Fabius Ibliomarus, a Treverian merchant who became decurio kanabarum at Apulum under Commodus (CIL III 1214). His sons, Aquileiensis and Pulcher, rose to the equestrian order. The first one fulfilled the militiae equestres (AE 1971, 385 and 1992, 1487), the second one seems to have exercised a procuratorian charge (CIL III 1157). There are moreover other Fabii at Apulum, who could belong to the same family. In particular Fabia Lucilla, a daughter and wife of equestrian rank, honored as mater collegiorum fabrum et centonariorum in Colonia Aurelia Apulensis (CIL III 1297), is surely a descendant of Ibliomarus. This case-study demonstrates the social advancement of immigrants in the local gentry, and some kinships between the elite from the canabae of the Legio XIII Gemina and the aristocrats of the neighboring town Apulum.

  • The reasons behind Constitutio Antoniniana and its effects on the Roman military

    Reconsidering the contemporary sources concerning the constitutio Antoniniana, it can be argued that the edict of 212 AD disguised aims primarily connected to the needs of empire’s defence system. Caracalla intended at first place to increase state revenue earmarked for the army, and secondly to solve the recurring crises in the recruitment of Roman citizens joining the legions, by extending the pool for legionary enlistment to the empire’s entire territory. The new citizens surely felt the hardships of being legionnaires less than did the citizens of long date, who, on the other hand, could continue to prefer service in the auxilia. At the same time, the clause excluding dediticii from Roman citizenship was meant to safeguard the long ingrained practice of enlisting corps of specialists from subjected populations, which in the course of time would become elite units.

  • Macrobe sur les vertus des esclaves.: Analyse du chapitre 11 des Saturnales I.

    The late antique writer, Macrobius, is of the opinion that virtues can be found in slaves as much as in free men. The author explains his view in his main work, the Saturnalia (I. 11). The aim of this paper is – through the analysis of the passage mentioned above – the examination of precisely what kind of virtues Macrobius attributes to slaves, the context in which these virtues appear, and finally the factors which could have influenced the author while he was writing his text in praise of slaves.

  • Continuities in late antique literacy: the evidence from North Africa and Gaul

    In this article I reconsider the evidence for ancient literacy from late antique North Africa and Gaul in order to reassess how the end of the “epigraphic habit” in the third century may have changed the popular contexts and notional associations of writing. Analyzing evidence for the Christian “epitaphic habit,” as well as for the production of legal and economic documents between the third and sixth centuries CE, I propose that late antique uses of writing attest to numerous continuities with their early imperial counterparts, including an interest not only in the pragmatic but also the performative character of ancient literacy.

  • Biblical speech and phrases in the Vita sancti Heinrici regis et confessoris by Adalbert of Bamberg

    The vita of the emperor Henry II. of the Holy Roman Empire (ruled between A. D. 1002-1024) compiled by a dean of Bamberg, Adalbert about 1146 or 1170, had became one of the most influential work in the medieval German hagiography. The following paper deals with the problems of the authorship and the narrative and biblical sources of the vita. The study has two parts: in the first will be treated about the authorship, the sources and the reception of the vita as well the author’s method in the use of the biblical phrases. We are examining those chapters of the Vita Heinrici regis, in which the author used the biblical phrasing. In the second division of our study we are setting the details of the vita with their parallels from the Bible, investigating the author’s deep knowledge of the Holy Scripture and his virtuosity in the creative use of the biblical phrases.

  • The Kulmian letters patent of the Teutonic Order of 1233

    This study subjects to scrutiny the articles of the Kulmian letters patent of 1233 which determined the conditions of private and public law in the would-be state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia. The Kulmer Handfeste had laid down, at the same time, the privileges facilitating planned settlement prior to the conquest of Prussian lands. This diploma ruled on the conditions pertaining to the order of succession, the size of plots, the system of field utilization, fishing and hunting rights as well as those of criminal law and court procedures. It determined the privileges as well as the obligations linked to land-grants while it also determined the conditions of providing for the sustenance of parishes, as well as the currency of the future Teutonic state.
