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  • Using of e-learning in agricultural training programs

    We use the Moodle at the University of Debrecen, Businessand Agricultural Department since January 2007. The Moodle is an open source Learning Management System. Learning Management System (or LMS) which is a software package, which enables the management and delivery of learning content and resources to students. Most LMS systems are web-based to facilitate „anytime, anywhere” access to learning content and administration. LMS tracks student progress in a course and indicates completions. At the least, learning management systems
    track individual student progress, record scores of quizzes and tests within an online learning program, and track course completions. The Moodle has more and more function at our Department in education. In January we worked to introduce Moodle in our Faculty. Therefore, we took lessons for the tutors about the usage of the Moodle. Our aim was to develop such a learning system, which is an integral part of  educational process,
    to improve the efficiency of agricultural higher education.

  • Practical experiences in Moodle LMS

    We use Moodle at the University of Debrecen, Business- and Agricultural Department since January 2007. Moodle is an open source Learning Management System.
    Learning Management System (or LMS) is a software package that enables the management and delivery of learning content and resources to students. Most LMS systems are web-based to facilitate "anytime, anywhere" access to learning content and administration. LMS tracks student progress in a course and indicates completions. At the least, learning management systems track individual student progress, record scores of quizzes and tests within an online learning program, and track course completions.
    Moodle has more and more function at our Department in education. At present, we work to introduce Moodle in our Faculty. Therefore, we took lessons for the tutors about the usage of the Moodle. Our aim to develop such a learning system, which is an integral part of educational process.

  • Precision crop production and artificial intelligence – the future of sustainable agriculture

    According to Kay et al. (2004, in Shockley et al., 2017), there are seven steps to the decision-making process: 1) Identify the problem or opportunity, 2) Identify the alternative solution, 3) Collect all data and information, 4) Analyse the alternatives and make a decision, 5) Implement the decision, 6) Monitor the results of the decision, 7) Accept responsibility for the decision. The basic question is what kind of tasks we can perform in the decision-making process and what to leave for Artificial Intelligence (AI).

  • Comparison study of student with special educational need in elementary school

    The aim of this lecture is to observe the status of students with special educational needs (SEN) in Europe and Hungary. The European Union has made tough decisions in financing and educating disabled people, so they can be integrated into the society. According to the European directives, Hungarian jurisdiction and educational politics tend to follow the pedagogical processes. The relevant juridical and economical laws for SEN students have already been implemented. The number of students with SEN in Europe increases permanently, so it is reasonable to detect their controversy. Despite this fact, differences can be experienced in teaching methods among primary schools, as a result development of SEN students can be different. The aim of this study to compare the motor skills of SEN students in two different primary schools, with different pedagogical program. My research base were the Ferenc Móra primay school and Gyermekház alapítvány primary school in Budapest. My main question was, if a specially developed program targeted SEN students can increase their motor skills. Studying the girls in the 2 age-groups, we have not experienced significant differencies out of the 3 motor tests between the control and the experimental groups.
    Studying the boys in the 2 age-groups, we have experienced 3 significant differencies out of the 3 motor tests between the control and the experimental groups. SEN students, who have been taught in segregated form with the help of ’Alapozó Terápia’ – a special therapy – achieved better motor skills. The study makes recommendation to primary shools how to organise trainigs for these students.

  • Stability and development of Transdanubian agricultural enterprises

    Personal fulfilment, financial security, flexibility, relationships, information, rules - these are all hallmarks of entrepreneurship. Furthermore, one more important factor should be added to the list, which enables satisfaction resulting from reliable income and self-fulfillment: this is openness. An open mind to changes, to novelties, and to the workforce is necessary. The central question of the present research is how to effectively develop Hungarian small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises, especially in the Transdanubian region, by utilizing these factors. In addition to production, institutional and price risks, agricultural enterprises, like other sectors, are also affected by massive labour shortages and resource-intensive development objectives. In the research, primary agricultural producers, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises were surveyed through questionnaire in the second and third quarters of 2019. Using the snowball method, both the development opportunities and the risks were mapped in this sector, mostly among growers. The research results show that there is a correlation between satisfaction and development and favorable workplace relationships. These correlations were presented by demonstrating the relationship between technological development, income satisfaction, stable job creation, and the need to try new developments. However, there seems to be an invisible boundary to development in the examined field, which may stem from uncertainty, and yet, it is important to maintain development and learning activity so that the right knowledge and know-how is available to the business when needed. Since the results show that there is a lack of openness to new technologies among the farmers in the studied region, and this may pose a problem in the future in terms of meeting the expectations of precision farming, it is recommended to focus on innovation in the agricultural sector in Hungary.

  • Setting up the operation of a Science Centre using process management tools

    Nowadays, Science Centres, which have a very long tradition in Europe, are continuously spreading in Hungary. These institutions primarily aim at raising public awareness of science in young people via informal learning (hands-on, minds-on etc.) methods. Based on this phenomenon, the construction of Scientific Adventure Park has been started in the Debrecen Botanical Garden. In addition, the Municipality of Debrecen established a new organization who will be responsible the reaching the defined goals and sustainability of Debrecen Science Centre according to the Application Form. Therefore, it will be designed a new institution with characteristics of Science Centre and provide innovative and complex services in the segments of culture and education. In this paper, I'm searching for answers to the question if based on this process-oriented method and  management approach; it is possible to design operation system capable of achieving the strategic goals mentioned above.

  • Dimensionality Expressed by Caseendings and Spatial Prepositions

    The purpose of this essay is to investigate some of the uses of English prepositions and Hungarian case endings employed to express spatial relations. The observation of invariant mistakes Hungarian native speakers learning English make initiated the investigation. The questions raised are: (a) where do the two systems match and where do mismatches lie, (b) how do language users perceive the world, and (c) do speakers observe spatial relations as two-dimensional or three-dimensional cognitive models? Do different languages see the same thing as either three-dimensional, or two-dimensional?
    Abondolo (1988) gives an adequate morphological analysis of ten Hungarian case-endings (inessive, illative, elative, superessive, delative, sublative adessive, ablative, allative and terminative) used in spatial reference, which give a closed set in references made to factors, such as (1) location which can be broken down as interior vs. exterior location with the latter being further analysable as superficial and proximal, and (2) orientation which can be analysed as zero orientation (position), source and goal. In addition to those in this list, two other case endings (genetive/dative and locative) are also used for expressing spatial relations but the last is only a variant of the inessive and superessive case-endings and is only used with place-names. The set is closed in the sense that the same item is meant to refer to the same sort of spatial relation in every case. Language textbooks, c.f. Benkő (1972) seem to suggest a neat match between the above Hungarian case endings and their English prepositional counterparts, e.g. London-ban (inessive) = in London.
    The picture, however, is far from being so clear-cut. The data, which were taken from various dictionaries and textbooks, show that the choices of both the prepositions and the case endings listed above depend on how the speaker considers factors (1) and (2) and that proximity is very important. Instead of a one-to-one match between the prepositions and the case endings, we rather find that the above case endings will match a dual, and in some cases a tripartite system of prepositions with the correspondences found in the two languages, which yield the following chart:

    We suggest that languages may view or map the same physical entities in different ways, for example along surface vs. volume or goal vs. passage, etc.
    Furthermore, we also find it possible that it is the language specific, inherent coding of the nominal phrase that decides – in many cases – upon the choice of prepositions and case endings.

  • The measurement of successfully completed projects funded by the European Union

    Projects funded by the European Union contribute significantly to the socio-economic development of Hungary, its increasing competitiveness, thereby the local people's general level of satisfaction, their ”happiness and prosperity”. Successful spending from the Union's funds, successful project implementation directly impacts all actors in the Hungarian economy and society. Therefore, to examine the factors that support or jeopardize the implementation of the projects is a priority at EU and national levels. My research and doctoral dissertation aims to develop a methodology to assess the management efficiency of projects supported by the European Union, implemented in Hungary taking into account all measurable factors (technical and special expertise) and the "suspected" factor (EU thinking learning).

    I intend to draw up guidelines for future EU funded project management teams to realize projects successfully for the benefit of Hungary.

  • A Critical Review of Selected Computer Assisted Language Testing Instruments

    Over the past few decades, a fairly large literature examining the effectiveness of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) has been developed. The findings indicate that language learners have generally positive attitudes toward using computers in the classroom. Less is known, however, about the more specific areas of computers in language testing. The purpose of this article is to examine recent developments in language testing that directly involve computer use. After a brief overview of computer-based testing (CBT) in general, web-based testing (WBT) is defined and certain issues reviewed.

  • The relationship between the organizational culture and the individual attitude, particulary the question of individualism and collectivism

    There is considerable consensus regarding the development of organizational culture; namely, that culture is the result of socialization, evolving through a social learning process. However, the mechanism of the process itself, along with the factors influencing it, raises a number of questions that are researched by different schools of thought. Some of the contextual factors that affect the development of culture, such as the characteristics of national culture or charismatic and other dominant people as role models, seem to be quite influential, especially when other influential factors affect these as well. Value analysis can be helpful for understanding the essence of organizational culture, and it can reveal underlying, hidden phenomena. The results of these studies depict organizational culture as a list of values or as a hierarchy. Values carry emotions as well, that may refer to their link with attitudes and to the fact that the two can be mixed up. The latest innovations in action and thought were the results of the political changes of the 1990s whose implications can be identified in both individual and national values. Changes of views and attitudes also emerge in the changes of collectivist-individualistic thinking and values which become part of the organizational culture and value structure according to value-centered analyses. The changing values define and influence our own opinions, identity, and, in turn, our behavior. Values reflected by our behavior and actions are to be guided by the harmony of individual, organizational, and national value systems. The lack of this synergy results in the dissonance of contrastive values and blocks actions. This, in turn, interferes with individual productivity and thus slows down organizational productivity as well. Our goal should be the synergy of values which creates the harmony of individual thinking and behavior since this harmony is the basis of success and productivity.