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Comparison of apricot cultivars for suitability for organic growing
63-65Views:69Nowadays, important task is using more widely the environmentally friendly production technologies. There are considerable differences
among technologies using reduced spray programs (integrated and organic) in plant protection and plant nutrition.
In this case integrated production has a better position as roles for organic production more strict and due to this fruits has an obvious
temporal and permanent reduction in tree conditions. Fitotechnical elements and renewal and regeneration of cultivars are important
factors for offseting or delaying of condition weakening.
In this study, 5 apricot cultivars (not pruned for 8 years) were compared in their characteristics (assessment of inactive, semi-active and
active plant parts).
Our study showed that there were 50-70% differences among observed characteristics. Our study confirmed those cultivars which are
suitable for organic production and which one more resistant to condition weakening and which one able to tolerate negative technological
effects. -
Comparative Senses-based Investigation of Traditional and Modern Apple Cultivars
70-74Views:71Apple consumption has significantly decreased over the last 10-15 years in Hungary. While consumption of fresh apple was 25 kg/person/year before the change of regime, today it hardly exceeds 10 kg according to careful estimations. In spite of the fact that the former dull cultivar structure (Jonathan, Starking, Golden Delicious) has widened with numerous new cultivars, apple consumption in Hungary has not increased. Unfortunately, customers do not or scarcely know most of these new cultivars.
In a survey conducted among the students of five Hungarian universities, we gathered information about comsumer opinion of both and older cultivars.
Numerous questonnaires – 592 – were filled out on 8 cultivars (Jonagold, Novajo, Topaz, Golden Reinders, Idared, Pinova, Braeburn, Jonathan, Starking) about the qualitiy parameters that determine the value for consumption. The results clearly show that besides the old cultivars, such cultivars are preferred that are known worldwide, such as Jonagold, or Golden (free of russetting) or the resistant Topaz.
Promotion of these cultivars and creating the possibility of their supply can help to increase a fresh apple consumption. -
The possibilities and limitations of organic fruit production
41-45Views:81In this review, direct and indirect technological elements of organic production are discussed. Today, there is a growing interest in production prepared without chemicals. We discuss the following issues: site selection, soil, rootstock and cultivar requirements, plant material, planting distances, crown formation, phytotechical operation, irrigation, soil tillage, soil covering and muchning, nutrition supply. Separate section deals with methods of plant protection.
The effect of the dates of shoot selection and shoot tip removal on the growth of William’s pear trees
65-70Views:90Increasing the intensity of production in the case of pear can be the solution to satisfy the market demand forr high-quality fruit. The aims in this technology are the canopy treatments and the maintainance of consistently high quality yields in the long run. The experiments were performed with cv. William’s pear, a cultivar grown on large areas in Hungary. To create the optimal canopy shape for earlier fruiting, we performed shoot selection and the cutting back of shoot tips. Our results show, that both pruning methods – applied at 3 different dates – decreased the number of short fruiting parts (spurs), and increased the number of vegetative shoots. The sole exception was from this the effect of shoot tip removal when done at the earliest date.