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  • Determination of element contents of commercial and homemade jams
    Various products could be prepared by using fruits as raw materials. In Hungary, the most popular fruit products are spirit, jams, preserves, juices and dried fruits. Jams are made from different fruits, with different fruit content, technology and additives. They can be used for different products or they can be consumed by themselves. These products and their related production processes have great traditions in Hungary. In addition, they are widely used.
    The aim of our study was to determine the element content of jams and to compare these samples based on their micro- and macroelement content.
    In this study, 26 fruit jams with different botanical origins were examined. 10 samples were commercial, and 16 samples were homemade products. The determination of micro- and macroelements was carried out by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer and Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer. Different element contents were measured [B (249.7), Ca (422.6), Fe (259.9), K (769.8), Mg (280.2), Na (589.5), P (185.9), S (182.0), Al (27), Mn (55), Cu (65), Zn (66), Sr (88), Ba (137)]. Based on element contents, the jams showed statistical differences.
  • Determining the antioxidant compounds of beer

    The increasing consumption of beer indicates the necessity of the thorough analysis of its composition. In this study, the total phenolic content, flavonoid content and colour intensity of 24 beer samples have been determined. The samples contained pale barley, dark barley, pale wheat and dark wheat beers. The aim of the study was to determine the amount of the antioxidant compounds in beer, as well as to find correlation between different beer types and the above mentioned parameters.

    Dark barley samples contained phenolic compounds in the highest concentrations, and it can also be concluded that dark beers contain phenolic compounds and flavonoids in higher concentrations than pale beers in the case of barley and wheat samples.

    According to the performed statistical analysis, these beer types cannot be differentiated based on the analysed parameters. The highest percentage of correctly classified samples could be observed in case of dark barley samples, but this value has only been 75%, and the total result of correctly classified cases was only 41.7%. The analysis of more samples and parameters is required to carry out a successful differentiation.

  • Variation of boza nutrition parameters based on raw materials

    Boza is a ceral based fermented drink. Raw material of boza could be rise, millet, wheat and rye. Because of the diversity of raw materilas and the method of fermentation boza might show varied quality and nutrition value.

    Nowadays healthy and conscious nutrition are playing more and more important roles in our lives. People pay an ever growing attention to the nutrition value of products, such as protein- and sugar content, components with antioxidant properties, and the mineral content of the products. In our research we wanted to know how the protein,-, sugar-, total polifenol-, mikro- and macro element content of products change.

  • Comparative study of honeys and herbhoneys quality paramertes

    Honey is one of the oldest known and consumed food. Besides the pleasant sweet taste it has been consumed because of the favorable health benefits. In addition to large number of honey plants there are many popular herbals which cannot serve as a nectar source. The herbhoney has been developed that consumers can joy the pleasant properties of herbals and honeys positive impact on the same product. In our research we compare the quality parameters of honeys and herbhoneys to each other and with the relevant regulation.

  • The effect of collecting area on the element content of Hungarian acacia honeys

    Six macroelements and twelve microelements were identified in thirty-six Hungarian acacia honeys collected from ten counties by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). One-Way ANOVA (LSD and Dunnett T3 test) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were used to determine the statistically verified differences among the honey samples with different geographical origin.

    Significant differences were established among the samples from different counties in Na, P, S, Fe, Ni, Cu and Sr concentrations. Based on the macroelement content of honeys, the separation of samples with different geographical origin was not successful because the percent of correctly categorised cases was only 64.9%. However, examining the As, B, Ba, Cu, Fe Mn, Ni and Sr concentration, the separation of different groups was convincing since the percent of correctly classified cases was 97.2%. Thus, the examination of microelement concentration may be able to determine the geographical origin of acacia honeys.

  • Comparative study of special honey products and herbhoneys
    Honey has a positive effect on human body due to its high content of biologically active substances (e.g. monosaccharides, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, polyphenolic compounds). The properties of honey depend on its botanical origin due to the bioactive plant components, mainly secondary metabolites that are included in honey made by bees from nectar. Herbally infused honeys are delicious products that combine the therapeutic action of herbs and honey. Additionally, herbs can provide nutrient fortified syrup for honey bees and protect them against diseases and other ecological threats.
    The aim of this study was to define the physicochemical properties of multifloral honey, herb enriched natural honey and herbhoney samples. We measured the moisture content, pH value, electrical conductivity and proline content. Although great diversity was observed in the basic properties of the examined products. In our study, we found that the electrical conductivity shows the significant differ between the groups. All the samples, including the herbhoneys passes the quality standards of honeys.
  • Comparison of quality parameters of producers' and commercial honeys

    Honey is our essential food since ancient times. In Hungary about 25 000 tons of honey are produced each year, and most of the product (80%) is exported. Hungarian honeys have excellent quality but because of scandals of honey adulteration the interest and recognition may decrease. Therefore we must elaborate a method with which the establishment of adulteration is simple and cheap. In this study we concentrate on simple quality parameters which inspection is not elaborate. These parameters for example sugar- and moisture contains, proline content, electrical
    conductivity, element content, pH, HMF content, degree of acidity. We examined these parameters in producers’ and commercial samples. We succeed fund parameters which characteristic of one type of honey thus we have possibility identify of honey type. For example the proline content was very low in the producers’ linden honey (mean 126 mg/kg). This value is lower than the regulation, but in case of commercial linden honey this parameter is higher than regulation. According to electrical conductivity and Potassium content is provable the type of linden honey.

  • Antioxidant activity and total flavonoid content of honeys

    The influence of honey on human health has been known since ancient times. Different components, like vitamins, amino-acids, enzymes, and the so called antioxidant activity of the honey play role in this effect, and also in the excellent quality. The aim of present study was to determine the total antioxidant activity and the flavonoid content of some honey samples. These two parameters are widely studied, and a lot of data can be used to compare and analyse. On the basis of them we can state that our results are quite similar than those we can find in literature. Characteristic feature of the examined honey samples is, that the antioxidant activity increased with the darkening of the colour. The lowest antioxidant activity and flavonoid content was produced by the acacia honeys with greenish shade of colour. The highest values was found in the very dark honeys (forest, sage, golden rod). The only exception was the coriander honey, where despite of its lighter colour, very high antioxidant activity was

  • Change of antioxidant compounds of spices during drying

    Spices and herbs have been used by humanity for thousands of years, so they are very important plants.

    In this study, the change of dry matter content and antioxidant compounds of eight spices (basil, thyme, rosemary, mint, parsley, lemongrass, chives, coriander) have been examined the raw plants and in plants preserved by three different drying methods (an oven in 50–60°C; drying at room temperature; lyophilisation between -40 and -50°C, under pressure), because we wanted to see the change of the parameters.

    The water content of raw plants was very high, i.e. the dry matter content was very low. By the application of the three drying methods nearly 100% of the water has left the plants, with the exception of the lyophilized basil and rosemary.

    Based on the results related to the original material, lyophilized has proved to be the best treatment for the preservation of antioxidant compounds, however air drying also showed high results for some spices.


  • Analysis methods of quality and traceability for honey

    Honey is our essential food since ancient times. Thanks to the excellent dietetic and medical features, it has an important function in our nourishment. In Hungary about 25.000 tons of honey are produced each year. Most of the produce, about 80% is exported to different countries of the world. Hungarian types of honey have excellent quality. Through exporting, the prestige and demand of Hungarian honey can be increased. In recent years the adulteration of honey caused many damages to producers and traders. The adulteration of honey is not easy to prove. Thereinafter, we represent several methods, such as oligosaccharide analysis or 13C/12C isotopic ratio analysis, which can identify the artificial substances of honey (for example: corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup) or can help to determine the ratio by which original honey can be identified.