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  • Application of hydrological models for agri-environmental management based on international and national experiences

    The ecological restoration of surface water flows requires the use of complex GIS and hydrological models. The HEC -RAS and MIKE11 programs calculate the hydraulic characteristics of runoff using the geometry and bed resistance the of flows. The presentation of some possible applications made through an example of the Berettyó, which is an extremely regulated river. The river belongs to the meandering category by Parker's classification system, which uses the relationship of the slope-Froude number and the depth- width ratio. Three coefficient of the four determining factor (entrenchment ratio, slope of water level, width-depth ratio) also indicates a mediocre to high sinuosity, while the river regulations established nearly straight bed-line. The standard water flow rates and characteristics have been determined based on the modeled Froude and Reynolds numbers. The flow conditions shifted to the laminar type by the changed line drawing which is ecologically lower status. Based on the results the morphological and ecohydrological river rehabilitation is appropriate.

  • Analysis of aerobic biological waste treatment methods especially in the case of composting

    In recent years the regulations of the EU unambiguously determine that the biodegradable wastes should be used in agriculture. The characteristics of the organic wastes in most cases make the direct utilization impossible, they need pre-treatment before use. One treatment solution of these wastes is composting. During composting the organic wastes lose their hazardous characteristics and we gain a final product, the compost, which can be used in agriculture as organic fertilizer. The main conditions of effective composting are the follow and understand of the degradation process. During our research we examined different measuring methods (gas concentration and reflectance measurements, temperature mapping) that makes a cost and time effective possibility to directly analyze the degradation.

  • Comparative Study on Different Water Bodies and their Sediments

    Hungary is rich in natural water resources, therefore investigation of these biotopes is an important task. The Szarvas- Kákafok deadarm is the largest horse-shoe lake of the Tiszántúl, its lenght is 28 km. It has an important role in recreation and agricultural utilization. The quality of the deadarm is influenced by the river Körös, but also by communal and agricultural pollution. Our goals were to estimate the intensity of the
    sedimentation processes, and the water- and the sediment quality as well. Also, we examined an artificial wetland system, constructed by the Fish Culture and Irrigation Research Institute, Szarvas.
    The calculated sedimentation was 0.4-0.5 cm year-1, which indicated an intensive eutrophication process. The constructed wetland system was able to decrease the organic load of the intensive fish culture company. On the basis of our TOC measurements, the organic matter content of the effluent water remained whitin the water quality limits.
    The changes of the material cycling could be more intense in the water body, then in the sediment. The oxido-reduction potential of the sediment could indicate the ecological state of the shallow lakes, therefore it could be an easily measurable indicator in the water classification.

  • Competence modules of the agro-environmental engineering bachelor course in Hungary

    One of the most important goals of the Bologna Process is to introduce the three circle system: bachelor, master, doctorate courses. In Hungary from 2006/2007 academic year 132 bachelor courses are launched. One of the launched bachelor course is environmental engineering of which the scientific background and economical sector are rapidly changing. Hence, to help graduates from this area to find a job, it is very important to examine working activities, expectations of employers, to study requirements of the training programs, the system of competencies. Having examined these points, frameworks of professional requirements have been worked out by 27 validation tests. In this publication, the results of the research work related to the environmental engineering bachelor program were presented.

  • CO2 Emission trade in the European Union and Hungary

    The environmental policy of the European Union focuses on decreasing emission of greenhouse gases. However there is no knowledge about the effect and the operation of the environmental economic methods which could efficiently influence this process. Therefore, practical emission trade was investigated. Recently, the commerce of AUEs started to change in Hungary, as well. Most transactions are made by a broker. Electronic commerce, which can be made with or without a broker, is spreading. The benefit of this form is that it is simple and cheap, in spite of the entrance fee of the stock exchange. This study could help to utilize carbon quotas in different types of commerce.

  • Monitoring the oxygen level in the Szarvas-Kákafok Deadarm

    The water quality of the Szarvas-Békésszentandrás Dead Körös is generally meso-eutrophic, and meso-saprobic. However, particularly
    under higher temperature conditions, the water body may change toward the eutrophic state, even algal blooms could be observed
    The present measurements were conducted during a two week period, twice a day. Three water samples were taken horizontally, from
    the surface, bottom and the middle of the water body. The samples were examined in situ. The oxygen content, the temperature, the pH and
    the conductivity were measured by potentiometric methods.
    Increasing pH was detected in correlation to the temperature, which indicated a rising photosynthetic activity. Also, the O2
    concentration showed high variations, especially, when the fresh water supply from the river was stopped, due to a small flood in the river
    These results indicate the increasing eutrophication processes in the deadarm, and the high load and instability of the ecosystem.

  • Combined traffic control of irrigation on heterogeneous field

    In arid areas, such as Hungary, most climate models forecast a rise in water scarcity. Irrigated land accounts for 2% of agricultural land in Hungary, with most irrigation technology being relatively outdated. The aim of this research was to lay the foundation for a combined traffic management system for a water-saving precision irrigation system on an 85-ha field in the Tisza River basin's reference region. High-precision soil maps were created to support the water-efficient variable-rate irrigation system by selecting and selecting areas for different agrotechnical implementations and precision farming zones.

  • Analysis of integrated, quality and environment focused management practices in the Forage Industry Ltd, Bábolna

    The significance of the effect of agricultural activities on the environment was focused on later than that of industry; however, today, an increasing number of companies using an environmental management system (EMS) has been registered in this sector, too. In the agricultural sector, EMS according to ISO 14001 was introduced first in the forage industry by Bábolna Takarmányipari Kft. In our study, we analyze the environmental management system integrated into the quality system of this company and discuss the effects on the organization and the economic issues. As a result of the EMS, emissions have been reduced effectively, and both the responsibility system and technology have become more controlled. The company chose to develop its environmental performance continuously, which is proved to have been performed successfully, considering its limited, one-year experience.

  • The effect of crop coverage on the daily dynamism of the soil’s CO2 emission

    Nowadays one of main goals of international ecosystem research the measurement of greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O and CH4) in different places. The fluctuation of these greenhouse gases – quantity and trend in the case of CO2 and CH4 – could be diverse with atmosphere because it depends on several effects of factors like climate, soil type, vegetation. In grassland out of the three greenhouse gases which fill a part in gas emission, in the case of CO2 soil and vegetation are the most important factors (Soussana et al., 2007).
    In the aspect of global carbon balance grasslands are very important by their large area extension, total carbon content, organic content store (10% of the global carbon storage) (Lemmens et al., 2006). In this summer measurements were carried out to determine CO2 emission of the soil from different soil surfaces like grass covered and bare soil surface during a whole day.

  • ‘Reinventing’ agricultural education for 2020 (action programme in the USA)

    The world of agricultural education continues to grow more complex. We develop, disseminate and interpret more information in less time than ever before. These rapid changes require new ways of thinking, working and interacting. On January 1, 1996, in the United States of America, The National Council for Agricultural Education inaugurated „Reinventing Agricultural Education for the Year 2020” an initiative to strengthen agricultural and food systems education for the 21st Century. This project is a national effort on behalf of agricultural education, vision and strategic plan for agricultural education in the longer range future. „Reinventing Agricultural Education for the Year 2020” is a visionary planning initiative that brings together key stakeholders at the local, state, regional and national levels. These groups share their thoughts and ideas while developing concensus on what agricultural education should be in the 21st century. 

  • Results of weed surveys in greening plants

    Greening crops play an essential role in Hungary's agriculture. Weeds can also cause many problems during the development of greening plants. Our research aimed to evaluate the weed control properties of greening crops sown with different germination rates. Analysis of the effect of crop rotations on weed density. Comparison of weed growth in control, fertilised and greened areas. In October of 2021, a weed survey was carried out in lupin (Lupinus albus L.), common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), oil radish (Raphanus sativus var. oleiferus L.) and buckwheat (Fagopyrum eculentum Moench). During the weed survey, we determined the different weed species and their abundance. In terms of seed rates, the higher seed rates for lupin, oil radish, and buckwheat may be worth choosing for weed suppression. Plots in rotation III had the lowest weed incidence of all greening crops. The probable reason for this finding is that there was no prior greening in rotation III. For greening, the choice of buckwheat and oil radish will result in higher weed pressure. The most important weeds were the cereals sown before the greening crop. Fertilised plots had minimally fewer weeds than control plots. Research results show the difficulties of weed control in herbicide-free greening crops.


  • Validation of the competence profile of agri-environmental engineering bachelor course

    As member of the European Union, the development if the Hungarian agriculture is determined by the Common Agricultural Policy. After the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy in 2003, the environmental protection has got a crucial function. The constant changing role of agriculture has reacted students in higher education. For firms connected to agriculture, human resource management based on competency has an important role in custody of competitiveness. One of the most important goals of firms is to supply the demands of their economic partners. To make it successfully, highly qualified human resource is required. The quality of human resource is determined not only by its qualification, language skills, professional experience, and practise, but extant competencies that can also be developed. To choose the expectant employee, it is not enough for them to have intelligence and proficiency; it is also decisive to examine their particular competencies. All of these will define the employee’s
    achievement that will definitely contribute to the success of the enterprise. Basically, closer cooperation is needed between higher education institutions and employers to achieve this goal. At the same time, the higher education institutions can revise their training systems considering the actual requirements of labour market, and accordingly, they can form syllabus in a way to train auspicious experts. In this article examination of the requirements of labour market for graduates from agri-environmental engineering bachelor course is presented.