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  • What does precision crop production hold for the future of soil science and plant nutrition?

    The concept of precision agriculture is straightforward at the scientific level but even basic goals are blurred at the level of everyday practice in the Hungarian crop production despite the fact that several elements of the new technology have already been applied. The industrial and the service sectors offer many products and services to the farmers but crop producers do not get enough support to choose between different alternatives. Agricultural higher education must deliver this support directly to the farmers and via the released young graduates. The price of agricultural land must be higher if well-organized data underpin the production potential of the fields. Accumulated database is a form of capital. It must be owned by the farmers but in a data-driven economy its sharing will generate value for both farmers and the society as a whole.

    We present a methodological approach in which simple models were applied to predict yield by using only those yield data which spatially coincide with the soil data and the remaining yield data and the models were used to test different sampling and interpolation approaches commonly applied in precision agriculture. Three strategies for composite sample collection and three interpolation methods were compared. Multiple regression models were developed to predict yields. R2 values were used to select among the applied methods.

  • The role of agriculture in regional development

    Agriculture is the leading national economic sector of Hajdú-Bihar county. The proportion of employees in this sector and the share of pro ducts produced in this region is above the country average. The contribution of agriculture to the GDP is 6.3%, as opposed to the average value of the country (3.3%). Based on their primary activity, 8% of the enterprises in the county are classified as agricultural and forestry companies, while this proportion is only 5.3% in the whole country.

    Nearly three quarters (71.1%) of the sowing area is occupied by maize and other cereals, mainly wheat. This proportion is slightly more than the country average (69.2%). The proportional area of oil crops - including sunflower – and roughage is nearly the same as the country average. However, there is a significant difference in vegetable production. Due to the higher intensity of vegetable production, the area occupied by vegetables is three times the country average. 19.4% of the crop products, 23.5% of animal products and living animals, 25.8% of the income generated by production factors and 29.8% of net enterprise income of Hungary originates from the North Great Plain region.

    The facilitation of creating local markets, e.g. local public food supply, satisfying the needs of food trade with local goods, the necessary awareness raising actions, secondary and higher education of experts, as well as the more specific and targeted utilisation of development resources are agricultural development tasks.

  • Agricultural Biotechnology MSc. course and agriculture in the 21st century

    The establishment of an Agricultural Biotechnology MSc. course creates a new direction in Hungarian higher education. As an introduction, the article summarizes the main theoretical and practical possibilities and results of biotechnology which have necessitated launching the course. Subsequently, the preliminaries, aims and requirements of the Masters course are introduced. The main data of the agricultural MSc course at Szent István University in Gödöllő (Hungary) are the following: 4 semesters, 120 credits, 1200 contact hours, 4 weeks training in a biotech laboratory, 6 fundamental subjects, 8 basic subjects in biotechnology. Plant and animal biotechnology, are the two options for specialization and both have 10 separate professional subjects. The teaching staff consists of 34 teachers (93% of them have PhDs or higher scientific degrees) from 10 Departments of 3 Faculties of Szent István University.

  • Innovation Potential and Regional Competitiveness studies in the Northern Great Plain region

    1.5 million people live in the large region containing 3 counties, which makes it the second most populated region after Central Hungary. Its economy and land use are still defined by agriculture and it has been the least developed region in the country for a long time. In the country this region has the second lowest GDP per capita and employment rate. In contrast to the low values of the economic indicators the region has high potential for innovation. The University of Debrecen is located in the region having one of the widest range of education and intensive research and development is also a characteristic of the region.

  • The presence of the undertaken social and economic role in the university's strategy-making

    It is vital to examine the strategic plans and leadership insights of the university, the faculties, the departments and the institutions in the research of the „third mission” of the universities. Because of the undertaken social-economic role in the region it is indispensable to know the turbulently changing environment (hazards – opportunities), to map the competencies available in the university (strengths – weaknesses) and to recognize the relations between the external and internal environment. It is an important factor to define the strategic directions of the departments, examining them in direction dimension (pro-active – adaptive) and in role dimension (top-down – bottom-up). The main objective of this research is to recognize the formal and informal strategic visions of the institutes and departments in the Centre for Agricultural and Applied Economic Sciences of the University of Debrecen, and to examine how these visions are related to the university's role in the regional innovation system.

  • Structural and concepcional changes related to the University of debrecen and its sport organizations between the period 2000–2013

    The strategic and conceptional approach to sport has brought substantial changes in the sporting life of University of Debrecen during the period between 2005–2013. The restructualisation process aiming at the development of university sport as well as the measures related to creating a more transparent financing system demonstrates elements of improvement in comparison to the period prior to the Bologna process. The Sport Concept of the university operates the different areas of sport within a transparent, planed and complex structural framework in accordance with the principles outlined in both the National Sports Strategy (2007) and the legal regulations specified by the Sports Law and its modification (2004, 2011). The conceptional changes of sport at the University of Debrecen followed the main objectives and guidelines of the European Commission that lays a great emphasis on issues such as the integration of athletes into higher education allowing maintenance of parallel educational and athletic carriers for athletes.

  • Will there be a horticultural triangle (cluster)? Thoughts about the reconstruction of the Hungarian horticulture between two European regions

    The authors of this study seek the answer to the question how to develop, in the first decade or decades of the 21st century, the university-level
    horticultural scientific training, the horticultural innovation and the scientific co-operation between companies and universities in Debrecen and
    in the North Great Plain Region and – in a wider sense – in Hungary to a standard being competitive even in European terms. With the synthesis
    of the prospects of past, present and future, they drew the following conclusions. The reconstruction of agriculture, horticulture and food industry
    is a part of reforming Hungary's countryside. Horticulture, producing high added value, will be able to decisively contribute to the plan whereas
    the value presently produced in an agriculturally cultivated area of 1,000 euros/hectare can reach 2,000 to 3,000 euros in the next two decades.
    A necessary and indispensable precondition to achieving this is the strengthening of the innovation output of the Hungarian horticultural sector.
    Despite the numerous technical criticisms formulated in connection with the serious problems of Hungarian agricultural and horticultural
    scientific innovation, no progress has been made in this field for the past one and a half decade. The scientific research of this topic hardly
    continued or did not continue at all, the up-to-date surveys and in-depth analyses were missing. The objective, basic principles and tasks of the
    Act CXXXIV of 2004 (TTI) enacted concerning research-development and technological innovation are clear and progressive. The co-operation
    between the National Research Technology Office and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the setting up of the Innovation Fund are heartening
    opportunities. These – along with the new Higher Education Bill to be passed – may as well be suitable for restarting the Hungarian agricultural
    and horticultural scientific innovation. In our opinion, this requires a new, well-considered national agricultural programme, which can be
    conceived in the framework of the "Ferenc Entz National Horticultural Plan" proposed by us for horticulture. In the most eastern Hungarian
    university knowledge centre, at the University of Debrecen, the continuing of the horticultural scientific innovation strategy started in the last
    decade may be the focal point and generator of the development of the so-called "Hungarian Horticultural Triangle”, or "Hungarian
    Horticultural Cluster". This region comprises the Northern and Southern Great Plain Regions and the area between the Danube and Tisza
    Rivers. Here, about 70 to 75% of the total Hungarian horticultural commodity stock is produced. The objective of the HORT-INNOTECH
    DEBRECEN programme planned in 2004 by the University of Debrecen, Centre of Agricultural Science is to establish the horticultural scientific
    research-development and technological innovation structure and knowledge base of the Hungarian Horticultural Triangle / Hungarian
    Horticultural Cluster. In harmony with this, the objectives are to bring about competitive, new horticultural products, to improve the conditions
    of utilising them, to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises based on technological innovation, to make use of the research-development and
    innovation opportunities available in the regions in an efficient manner, to as full extent as possible, to encourage the creation of places of
    employment producing high added value in the field of horticulture, to improve the technical skills of those employed in horticultural researchdevelopment and to promote their enhanced recognition by the society.