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  • Analysis of Thermal Degradation in the Annealing Process of Colored Parts Built by Extrusion-Based 3D Printing
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    With the ever-increasing request of light materials, poly lactic (acid) PLA, have got much in consideration. Low-cost PLA materials have risen its use. Those possess some benefits but nevertheless insufficient mechanical strength. The printed PLA objects have a stumbling block for practical applications. Thus, annealing is an interested alternative to make 3D printed objects strong. This thermal treatment can significantly develop investigational studies and offer technical data. Hence the purpose of this paper is study and discuss how to increase the flexural strength through annealing process. Geometry distortions and color degradation will be analyzed. Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Taguchi Method (TM) and variance (ANOVA) were applied as part of the design experiments and analysis. Twenty-seven printed specimens were tested and factors as temperature, time and color were selected.

  • Additív gyártástechnológiával előállított hőálló PLA anyag szilárdsági vizsgálata
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    Az utóbbi években egyre több helyen alkalmazzák az additív gyártástechnológiákat az egyedi, valamint a kisszériás gyártásban. Ilyen esetekben az alkatrésznek valós körülmények közt is működőképesnek kell maradnia. Ez azt jelenti, hogy teherviselőnek is kell lennie. Sok esetben szilárdsági szempontból már megfelelnek az anyagok. Ugyanakkor sok esetben (gépalkatrészek, kültéri felhasználás) a modelleknek nagyobb hőmérsékleten is megbízhatóan kell működniük. Erre kínál lehetőséget a legelterjedtebb additív gyártástechnológia esetében (FDM) egy új, hőtűrő anyag a HT PLA. Sok esetben a hűtés alkalmazása elengedhetetlen a gyártás során, különösen a nagy túllógásokkal tűzdelt alkatrészek esetében, ahol szükséges az anyag mielőbbi megszilárdulása a megfelelő felületminőség eléréséhez. Cikkünkben a gyártás során alkalmazott hűtésnek a mechanikai szilárdságra gyakorolt hatását vizsgáltuk.

  • Synthesis of Polylactic Acid (PLA) by Polycondensation Method
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    The Polylactic acid (PLA) is compostable and natural renewable sourced plastic type. Its mechanical properties quite similar to the PET, therefore the PLA is a good alternative for strongly ruled food industrial application. The PLA only has one critical attribute – the relatively low glass transition temperature. According to the relevant literature the glass transition of PLA is in the range of 40-70°C. In light of this fact, this material can be used only in that segments of food industrial field where the packaging process temperature are under of the lower limit of Tg range. The actual Tg of a material is highly depends on the molar mass and material structure, therefore the molar mass and the structure of material should be designed according to the future requirements of application and procedures.

  • Aktív hűtés hatásainak vizsgálata 3D nyomtatás esetén
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    A 3D nyomtatás egyre szélesebb körben alkalmazott gyártási eljárás. A gépek és anyagok fejlődésével egyre több ember számára hozzáférhető ez a technológia, egyre egyszerűsödik az alkalmazása. Mindemellett a technológia sajátosságaiból adódóan azért igényel gyártástechnológiai ismereteket. Bizonyos esetekben nagy túllógások esetén szükséges a frissen lerakott rétegek mielőbbi megszilárdítása. Ezt aktív hűtéssel lehet megvalósítani, ami viszont hatással lehet a darab anyagtulajdonságaira is. A kutatás a gyártás során alkalmazott aktív hűtés hatásait vizsgálja

  • Application of Additive Technology in Precision Casting
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    In this paper the surface of the prepared test specimens had been examined with light microscopy and surface roughness measurements. In order to improve the surface smoothness of PLA specimens, application of ethyl acetate was required. After this surface treatment, microscopic images were taken again. The melting and decomposition temperatures of the materials had been determined using derivatography. The chosen method was precision casting with gypsum molding. Also, the plaster molds had been burnt out according to the predefined melting and firing diagram. The measurement series shows that the samples produced by 3D printing can also be used in the field of precision casting. They provide greater freedom of design, more sophisticated pieces, and prototypes can be finished in a shorter amount of time.

  • Polylactic Acid as a Potential Alternatives of Traditional Plastic Packagings in Food Industry
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    Huge quantity of synthetic polymers is used as packaging materials in different fields of food industries. A significant part of these polymers applied as a primary, direct food contact construction. The scoped application area is the sweet industry. In this field Polystyrol (PS), Polypropylene (PP) and Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) have used but during the last fifteen years the usage of PET has been grown. In one hand the price of this material is efficient, form other hand the PET is the one of the most safe (for food industrial applications) petrol chemical plastic that can be used as primary or secondary food contact packaging material. To maximize the customer safety and minimize the environmental impact of traditional PET, a new bio-sourced and bio-degradable alternative polymer aimed to be used in this special food industrial segment. One of the potential alternatives is the Polylactic acid (PLA) that would be a possible substitute as it is compostable and produced from renewable sources and has good physical and mechanical properties [1].

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