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  • A Wounded Soldier Fighting on two Fronts: Civil Society Organizations Initiatives Struggling to Overcome the Pandemic Crisis by Practical Protective Means, Volunteerism, Reporting and Awareness Campaign Discourse
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    Given the fact that the covid-19 pandemic virus has had a pervasive impact on almost every sphere of life globally, it is noteworthy to highlight the role and position of the civil society sector, and this paper intends to do so by striking at two matters. Initially, outlining the impact on the functioning and activities of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), to then proceed with their response to the crisis, through new multifarious initiatives/activities. The analysis was developed by using, essentially, unobtrusive data and direct non-participatory observations of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Kosovo that have had initiatives against covid-19. Although CSOs were badly affected by the pandemic as such, and the consequences it brought, whether, through measures and/or neglect from the central level, they still found the resources and willingness to launch initiatives to combat the pandemic in the form or different. All over the country, appeared organizations which among their activities found a place for awareness campaigns, material and financial assistance to citizens in need, production of masks, face shields, and other protective equipment for citizens or health institutions, and providing voluntary assistance as health staff. To link practice with theory, there are presented cases of NGOs that well reflect scholarship ideas such as the need to have a classification of CSOs based on activities, the importance of their IT repertoires, coproduction, and especially the response to the crisis. The importance of this study grounds on the benefit it brings to understanding the role and contribution of CSOs in exceptional times of crisis, especially for a society that underestimates and neglects this sector.

  • The Landscape of Civil Society Organizations in the Economy of Kosovo
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    Civil society organizations (CSOs) in the scientific literature have been studied broadly from various aspects such as cultural, political, social and economic. But as far as the last one is concerned, there is still a research gap because there is a lack of study about their contribution to economies under development, such as Kosovo, and which must be filled because of its importance. This paper tends to analyze the present situation of CSOs in Kosovo and their potential contribution to economic activity. Highlighting the activities, the structure and the place of these organizations in the economy will be the approach, in the beginning, to pave the way for further study of specific areas related to them. The methodology established contains analyses of secondary sources that are done by using data from the Ministry of Public Administration of Kosovo, Kosovar Index of Civil Society which is a regular report of the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF), and other supplementary data. However, this will proceed after the scientific conceptual issues of CSOs and their place within the economy. Finally, the results show that civil society in Kosovo is very diverse with organizations in different sectors, and the economic activity sector consists of mostly agricultural NGOs.   In transition countries, CSOs are seen as an alternative that improves a particular sector. Thus far, there are over 10,000 organizations established in Kosovo, but relative studies suggest only 1000 to be active. Furthermore, their activity and contribution to economic development is little known so far, while the main problem of the economy remains unemployment.

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