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  • Sectoral Analysis of Hungarian Professional Football Clubs - Hungarian Football Money League 2014-2016

    Based on the model of the Deloitte Football Money League we recreated the „Hungarian Football Money League”, which gathers and analyses the most economically powerful Hungarian football enterprises. The model gave us an oppurtunity to analyse and compare the industry to the international level. With the hungarian professional football-enterprises we assume, the most economically powerful teams play in the NB. I. (National Championship). Because of this reason we only analysed NB 1. club teams. From the 12 participating team we selected only those 9 who stayed in the League for three consecutive years. The implications from this study is that the hungarian club teams stays well below the international level, altought top level enterprises' joint economical impact is indeed significant in the hungarian sportsector. 

  • The Effect of Player Transfers on Football Companies Valuation

    Transfer seasons are one of the most highlighted periods in world of football. The market of player rights forces the greatest european clubs with their enormous budgets to compete with each other in order to aquire the most talented and most succesful players. It is not uncommon to sign players for tens of millions of euros, to this extent these expenditures are seriously affecting clubs bottom line. However, despite the expenditure nature of player transfers the value of these clubs increase, based on the best known measurer for companies valuation: the stock exchange. In my research the effect of player transfers ont he valuation of football corporations are presented through market value development of stock market listed clubs namely Juventus and BVB Dortmund. Based on my results if the examined clubs were signing players according to a player transfer policy considered as succesful the value of examined clubs had increased through stock market price independently of player transfer balance. Moreover the effect of coronavirus could had been noticed, since both clubs valuation decreased heavily in the 2020 summer transfer window probably due to the revenue loss caused by the pandemic.

  • Situation Report of European Club Football (2017 – 2019)

    The most professional and profit oriented sector of the sports industry is football. International summary analyzes of the sector show a steady increase in revenue over the last 20 years. Yet the real turning point in terms of the profitability of European club football was in 2017, when the aggregate result of the clubs playing in the top European leagues were realized as a profit. However in recent years, the sector has faced serious competitors. The esport industry draws attention to itself with the growth rate of the base of its’ followers and related revenues. Also the fitness sector outperformed the football sector in 2019. In this article I reviewed european football between 2017 and 2019, in order to explore the characteristics of the football sector, to ascertain its revenue-generating capacity, its change in its revenue structure, and to answer the questions that if this sport will maintain its dominant position in the European sports market. My research method was document analisys of annual reports published by UEFA and Deloitte, which allowed me to examine data from more than 700 clubs in 55 countries. In overall it can be stated that the european football industry is maintaining it’s position, but it should allocate resources to stabilize its follower base instead of fearing the endagerment by other sports.

  • Comperative Economic Analysis of the Determining Leagues of European Clubfootball

    Nowadays sport is not just all about entertainment, or about social cohesion but also it has serious economic and business aspects. Sporteconimics is an individual concept and sector. Sport businesses are contributing  more and more to national incomes. Football business are specially important parts of this complex system called sporteconomics. The aim of my research is to create an economic and also comparative analysis of the five top European football leagues, also called as the “Big5” which are responsible for 74% of the total football revenue in Europe. By the analysis of the 2019 UEFA report it can be stated that in these leagues more than 60% of the competing clubs achieved positive operating profits, but the structure of their revenues warns them to look for opportunities to increase their operating revenues. According to the data it is clear that wage cost is the most significant cost element in the industry as they cover 53-68% of their total revenue. These statements set the course for the economic development of European football. The management of these outstanding football clubs may give example to the ones falling behind including Hungarian football businesses.

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