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  • Interpreting freedom of contract in modern civil law

    A szerződések joga a polgári és kereskedelmi jog egyik legdinamikusabban fejlődő jogterülete napjainkban. A szerződéskötési technikák, a szerződések teljesítése, valamint a szerződéstípusok köre is új tartalommal telítődik. A jogterület fejlődésének és népszerűségének alapköve a római jogban gyökerező szerződési szabadság mai napig fenntartott tétele. A szerződési szabadság négy fő aspektusa (szerződéskötés szabadsága, partnerválasztás szabadsága, típusszabadság, tartalom szabadsága) biztosítja, hogy a szerződések jogának szabályai könnyen alkalmazkodnak a társadalmi, gazdasági változásokhoz. A szerződő felek jogviszonyukat személyre szabottan alakítják, az e köré keretet építő kontraktus szabályait nagyfokú szabadsággal formálhatják. A szerződések jogának alapelve a modern jogrendszerek alappillére, azonban értelmezése, megítélése államonként és időszakonként változik. Ez a változás sosem tekinthető visszalépésnek, vagy az alapelv lényegi jelentését átértékelő, lerontó változásnak. Az azonban kétségtelen, hogy a szerződési szabadság alapelvi szintű elismertsége egyes nemzetek jogrendszerében valódi operatív alapelvként jogvitát eldöntő, joggyakorlatot fejlesztő mozgatórugó, míg más nemzetek jogalkotásában és jogalkalmazásában az állandóság megtestesítője e gyorsan változó jogi környezetben.

    A tanulmány a szerződési szabadság aspektusainak jelentéstartalmát elemzi a kontinentális és az angol-amerikai jogrendszerek írott szabályainak és jogalkalmazási gyakorlatának függvényében. A jogtudomány értelmezései, konkrét jogesetek szentenciái, valamint az írott jogforrások indokolása adja a tanulmány kiindulópontját. A szerződési szabadság korlátlan érvényesülését „lerontó” szabályok (pl. szerződéskötési kötelezettség, formakényszer, stb.) az alapelv céljának és létének fényében kerülnek vizsgálat alá. Az angolszász rendszerekben az alapelv által generált jogfejlesztő értelmezés a kontinentális jogok lassan változó szemléletével ütközik.

    A tanulmány célja, hogy a szerződési szabadság alapelvének funkcióját megvilágítva bemutassa azt a lineáris jogfejlődést az európai jogi tudományosságban, mely a mai tartalommal ismert alapelvet alkalmassá teszi a szerződések jogában fejlődést generáló és iránymutató szerepkör betöltésére.

  • Validation of the claim for paid leave

    The study covers the most important rules regarding leave, with the aim of helping employees and employers deepen their knowledge of how to grant leave. In this context, the study covers what should be done with leave not granted until the end of the year, whether the economic interest of the employer can justify its interruption, whether and when it can be redeemed for money, and how long the request in this direction can be asserted, i.e. when it occurs the statute of limitations. Furthermore, it covers what the solution is in the event of the termination of the employment relationship, when the employee has taken less or even more leave than he or she would have been entitled to in proportion to the time, focusing on who needs to prove what to successfully enforce the claim, and what is the importance of it the employer's registration obligation. In addition to the European Union and domestic regulation of freedom, the study included some guiding decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Curia, on the basis of which the conclusion can be drawn that the courts try to give the correct interpretation of the legislation in the individual cases that come before them, which are precedents due to their nature, they are also binding in other matters.

  • Criminal offences that infringe on individual freedom versus restrictions imposed during the pandemic to guarantee access to education

    In the study we propose as follows, we will look at differences in perception between the pandemic constraints imposed by the governmenst of countries affected by the pandemic in view of managing the pandemic and society’s perception that governments have deprived citizens of their freedom by restricting their mobility and imposing restrictions with regard to travel, including in order to attend educational activities. In some cases, the communities affected by the restrictive measures have gone further, accusing governments of the crime of “Illegal Deprivation of Freedom”, which is included by the legislator in the criminal codes of countries. We consider that the accusations brought against the authorities are unfounded, exaggerated, and thoroughly wrong. We believe that they are due to communication gaps in the public domain, the differences in perception of community members in the context of changing paradigms and the insufficient legal education, which leads to confusion between illegal deprivation of freedom and limitations or restrictions. Although, in the legislation, the articles that provide for the criminal offences relevant to the matter are included in the criminal (penal) codes, for example, in the Romanian legislation in Article 205 of the Criminal Code, with the marginal name “Offences against Individual Freedom” of Title I, which bears the marginal name “Offences against the Person”, and falls within the area of ​​interest of legal sciences, we will analyze the effects in relation to the limitations and restrictions imposed by the authorities for the management of the pandemic. To this end, on the one hand we will highlight the aspects of material criminal law necessary for the legal classification of a deed as offence of illegal deprivation of freedom, in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Codes of Romania, Hungary, Republic of Italy, Greece, and on the other hand, we will present some aspects regarding the management of the coronavirus crisis in the area of ​​education.

  • Theoretical issues of equal treatment in relation to the legal classification of labour law

    There are many national and international academic debates on the classification of labour law. On the one hand, labour law can be categorised as private law when we consider the establishment of employment relationships. The legal basis for an employment relationship is exclusively the employment contract, thus labour law belongs to classical private law. On the other hand, the content of the employment relationship can be determined not only by the employment contract, but also by a number of other rules. These norms typically have public law content and, as so-called public law elements of labour law, seek to limit the contractual freedom of the parties. The existence of public law elements is typically justified by the legislator on the grounds that there is subordination between the parties in the employment relationship, so that the contractual balance of rights, which is characteristic of private law, is shifted in favour of the employer. The presence of elements of public law, and in particular the requirement of equal treatment, is intended to redress this imbalance in employment law by limiting the contractual freedom between the parties. In the present article, we examine in particular whether the presence of public law elements gives labour law a specificity of its own. In addition, focusing on the principle of equal treatment, we examine how the prohibition of discrimination in labour law and classical private law can be interpreted and whether this general behavioural requirement is capable of redressing the balance that has been shifted between the parties. Finally, we ask the rhetorical question: if the requirement of equal treatment is capable of redressing the balance, why is there a need for additional public law elements in labour law?

  • Freedom of contract’s role in the economic regulatory

    The freedom of contract has an economic regulating rule, both on individual and on communal level; secures either the enforcement of the law of the self-determination of the parts, or the possibility of market participation.

    Gwartney and Lawson, elaborators of the conception of the economic freedom, said that the capstones of the economic freedom are the freedom for the decisions and for the acts of the persons, moreover the volunteering of the exchange, the freedom of the competition, the protection of the persons and their properties.

    Several indicators are available for measuring the economic freedom. One of them is the index of the Canadian Fraser Institute Economic Freedom of the World; furthermore it is one of the most respected indicators. This index investigates the rate of the economic freedom by using 42 factors grouped to five parts. These five components are the legal system and the protection of the ownership, size of the state, reliable, so stable valued money, the freedom of the foreign trade, the capital market and the regulation of the business. The last four items can be identified as the freedom of the contract.