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  • Mortgage and credit guarantee registry

    Analyzing th esystem of mortgage we must reach back to the Roman Law. At that era it had been possible to pledge liabilities, rights and moreover aggregated asset, property. Mortgage is a long term institute of Hungarian Private Law as well. Paragraphs 251 – 269 of Act IV of 1959 on the Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary regulates mortgage in the Law of Obligations, placed among collaterals. In the last two decades the old Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary has been modified twice. Act V of 2013on the Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary weakens but definitely rewritten the principles of lending. Regulation of mortgage and the system of chattel mortgage registry has significantly changed. Several novelty has been introduced therefore the system of chattel mortgage registry was reformed too. Detailed regulations of credit guarantee registry in Act CCXXI of 2013 and Act 18/2014. (III. 13.) KIM has also been accepted correspondingly to the previous changes.

  • Validation of the claim for paid leave

    The study covers the most important rules regarding leave, with the aim of helping employees and employers deepen their knowledge of how to grant leave. In this context, the study covers what should be done with leave not granted until the end of the year, whether the economic interest of the employer can justify its interruption, whether and when it can be redeemed for money, and how long the request in this direction can be asserted, i.e. when it occurs the statute of limitations. Furthermore, it covers what the solution is in the event of the termination of the employment relationship, when the employee has taken less or even more leave than he or she would have been entitled to in proportion to the time, focusing on who needs to prove what to successfully enforce the claim, and what is the importance of it the employer's registration obligation. In addition to the European Union and domestic regulation of freedom, the study included some guiding decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Curia, on the basis of which the conclusion can be drawn that the courts try to give the correct interpretation of the legislation in the individual cases that come before them, which are precedents due to their nature, they are also binding in other matters.

  • The Hungarian Regulation of Domestic Partnership and The Domestic Partnership Registry

    In recent decades, the number of the couples who live in domestic partnership and the number of children born to parents in a domestic partnership in Hungary and across Europe increased significantly. Because of these facts and reasons there was a need for a significant revision of the Hungarian regulation on domestic partnership that took place in the new Civil Code of Hungary of 2013. The notaries of Hungary have had a new role in the area of registration. In my work as a vice-notary, I often experience that couples who live in domestic partnership are entirely unconscious of the legal effects of choosing this form of living together.

    In this paper I give an overview of the past and present of the Hungarian regulation on domestic partnership. I pay particular attention to the Domestic Partnership Registry conducted by the Hungarian National Chamber of Civil Law Notaries. This summary gives me an excellent opportunity to give an account of my opinion about the registry and my practical experience with the conduction of the registry.