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  • Discrimination or value creation? – The real value of the wages in the Hungarian public work programme

    The aim of this paper is to scrutinise the wages in the Hungarian public work programme – probably the most controversial anomaly of the Act CVI of 2011 on public work and the modification of the act on public work and other acts. Furthermore, the study analyses the effectivity of the value creation in this programme and exposes the passive sight of the public work.The paper identifies the public work programme as a hybrid contract of the Hungarian labour law and detected the social side of this kind of legal instrument of the active labour market policies. The research also focuses on Order no. 3175/2016 of the Hungarian Constitutional Court and highlights the discriminative dangers of the wages. To emphasize my opinion I set the European Pillar of Social Rights in the middle of the research and concluded that the national regulation is not even enough to create effective reintegration to the primal labour market. In my opinion, to increase the effectivity of this program, we need to use the principles of the Social Pillar and the national labour law system. The conclusion of the paper can be a possible way to highlight the value creation in the public work programme.

  • Enforcement options in case of abuse of unilateral power in the field of working time

    Apart from the aforementioned provisions of Act CXVI of 2018 amending the Labour Code's rules on working time, nowhere in our current legislation is there a meaningful request for employee consent on the subject of working time, which - even if an employer's ultima ratio is maintained - would be extremely beneficial, in our view, not only from a fundamental rights and social, but also from an economic-efficiency perspective. The fulfilment of the aforementioned obligation to harmonise EU law would also undoubtedly bring benefits in this area. However, it should be noted that European Union legislation does not provide a satisfactory solution to these problems either, as it does not itself contain sufficient legislative provisions to involve the employee side in decisions on working time/working patterns. In our view, the only solution would be a domestic legislative reform that would provide a solution to all the problems identified in our study in line with EU law, but with its own solutions.