Vol. 20 No. 3-4 (2023):
A nemzetközi kereskedelem hatékonyságának növelése: A Blockhain technológia akkreditívre gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálata a jelenlegi jogi keretek tükrében
5-25Views:96Az akkreditív egy fontos dokumentum az nemzetközi kereskedelemben, elsősorban fizetési célokra használják, és ennek következtében jogokat és felelősségeket ró az érintett felekre. A fizetés és az kötelezettségek teljesítése az összes szerződés legfontosabb szempontjai közé tartoznak. Nemzetközi tranzakciók esetén az érintett feleket számos kérdés foglalkoztatja, beleértve a tevékenységükkel kapcsolatba hozható más országok jogi, politikai és gazdasági tényezőinek jobb megértésére irányuló igényt. A nemzetközi tranzakciók fizetési módjai közül az akkreditív kiemelkedik, mint a legmegbízhatóbb és legjelentősebb módszer sajátos jellemzői miatt. Az akkreditív bevonásával a bankok megfelelően képesek garantálni a vevő és az eladó érdekeit, csökkentve ezáltal a tranzakcióból eredő bizonytalanságokat. A nemzetközi kereskedelem fejlődése következtében fontos azonban figyelembe venni az újonnan megjelenő technológiák hatását a nemzetközi üzleti kapcsolatok fizetési módjaira. Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy feltárja a blokklánc-alapú akkreditív felhasználására vonatkozó legújabb kutatási eredményeket, és átfogó elemzést nyújtson a szabályozási keretekről ezen a területen. Az akkreditív blokklánc-szerkezetének részletes leírása és az okos akkreditív felhasználási lehetőségeinek vizsgálata után a tanulmány arra a következtetésre jut, hogy a meglévő jogi keretek, például az UCP, az eUCP, az ISP98 és az ENSZ akkreditív egyezmény, azok szükséges módosításaival együtt, megfelelő alapot nyújthatnak a blokklánc-alapú akkreditívek kezeléséhez. A blokklánc technológia integrálásával és ezeknek a kereteknek a kihasználásával a kereskedelmi finanszírozás hatékonysága javulhat, az átláthatóság és a biztonság megőrzése mellett.
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Higher education autonomy debates, questions and answers from the perspective of public administration (science)
27-48Views:103Although university autonomy has always been at the centre of international and Hungarian academic research, in Hungary the issue of higher education autonomy has mostly been examined in the legal literature in connection with legislative changes. Starting from 2020, several Hungarian universities have also started to change their models, which also meant a change of maintenance. These changes generated sharp social, political and legal debates, one of the central issues of which was autonomy.
However, higher education autonomy was not only a dominant issue in the Hungarian narrative, as the debates gained new momentum when the issue was placed in an international context at the end of 2022. The justification for the unique distinction of the Hungarian system has also raised many questions in the academic literature, especially in the light of the international concept of autonomy and in comparison, with other European examples, such as the Dutch. This paper questions the justification of this distinction by analysing the international concept of autonomy and examines the Hungarian legal processes from the perspective of the management of the maintenance of autonomy and compares them with the Dutch example.
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Civil law dogmatic deficiencies and legislative hiatuses in a private law legislation: Short case study
49-66Views:115Based on the Government Decree 383/2023 (VIII.14.) on the ministerial approval of lease contracts of companies directly or indirectly majority-owned by the state, the article presents a case study showing that the legislation suffers from numerous "legal errors" that violate the provisions of the Legislation Act and is not in line with the fundamental doctrinal principles of civil law. The case study describes in detail the provisions of Act CXXX of 2010 on Legislation that the Government Decree does not comply with and shows how imprecise wording leads to problems of interpretation. The paper points out the private law terminus technicus which the legislator did not apply correctly (the party of the lease contract, consideration, invalidity - ineffectiveness) and the author proposes to correct the errors and to clarify certain normative provisions.
The legal historical antecedents of the regulation of the preparatory trial and the proposing of evidences in the Hungarian procedural law
67-94Views:90In the hungarian criminal procedure, the preparatory trial is held in the second stage of the criminal procedure, after the investigation and following the accusation, but exactly before the trial. Its elemental purposes are to give a chance for the accused to make an agreement with the court about confessing their culpability and the crimes they committed, otherwise – as it is said in its name – is to give place for the accused and the prosecutor to participate in the preparation for the trial and the proofing before the Court. The general opinion is that both of the preparatory trials’ new functions are unprecedented innovations in the Hungarian criminal procedure. I studied approximately twelve relevant acts, starting with the first Hungarian criminal procedure code from 1896, to examine the history of this legal institute. On this basis I think we are safe to say that, the re-regulation of the preparatory trial brought a significant innovation in the Hungarian Criminal Procedure Code without nearly any history. However, it is important to mention, that – according to my recent researches –, in the older Criminal Procedure Codes some special procedures or rules already appeared which’ had minor similarities to the functions of the preparatory trial today.
Medical expert procedure in criminal proceedings
95-113Views:95The Criminal Procedure Act significantly changed the rules of expert evidence, so e.g. in order to prevent the prolongation of the procedures, it tries to direct the process of appointing experts and evaluating expert opinions into a reasonable channel in order to make a considered and timely decision. The time that has passed since the entry into force of the law already allows us to examine the practice of law enforcement. I believe that the biggest change comes from the regulation of the private expert opinion, which allows the defendant and his defense to have similar rights in the criminal proceedings, which also follow from the principle of equality of arms. And all of this strengthens the fairness of the procedure in general, which can be a guarantee of the birth of judicial verdicts that are also close to the material truth.
Some current practical issues on preventive restraining orders in cases of intimate partner violence
115-137Views:153Act no. LXXII of 2009 on restraint at a distance for the purpose of violence between relatives (Act on Restraining Orders) has been amended a total of eight times since its entry into force on 1 October 2009. Some of the amendments were made to remedy shortcomings in practice, while others were made to comply with EU law. In the light of the almost one and a half decade that has passed since the entry into force of the Act, it is appropriate to review how, beyond the amendments, the practice of applying this Act has evolved. The present paper aims to briefly describe the judicial practice of preventive restraint, mainly in the Curia, and to discuss the key elements in the assessment of the concept of violence between relatives, the findings of the courts, in particular the Curia, in the context of restraint and parental custody and the use of the home, and the applicability of the Criminal Code.
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