

Ergebnis der Suche

  • Zárt ajtókról nyíltan Avagy vannak-e persona non grata-k a büntetőeljárás keretei között végzett igazságügyi pszichológiai szakértői vizsgálatokon?

    Authorities and courts are supported by various experts from a long time in the process ofdomestic criminal procedures, howeverlegalpsychologyis a pretty young profession in this field. Despite of its brief history it has achieved stability in the system of criminal sciences and has an outstanding role in influencingjudgementon cases. What happens when this specialty itself becomes the subject of an expert procedure? My article willtryto answer this question. I examine the mechanisms of hungarianlegal psychological expertingthrough personal features of the experting-examination within thecriminal legal procedures of law. At the same time I verify thepresumption that thesecomponents work unrealistically and dissimilarly to the actual practice due to thenatureof current legislations. My hypothesis is supported by four interviews with legalpsychological experts and relevant statistical data brought from the analysis of thirty-one cases from TheCourt of Law of Debrecen, between 1st Jan 2000 and 15th Jul 2016. In the last section of my work I propose individual recommendations and guides for the legislator in relation to the earlier highlighted defects.

  • Die rechtshistorischen Vorgeschichten der Regelung der Vorbereitungssitzung und der Beweisanträge im ungarischen Verfahrensrecht

    Im ungarischen Strafverfahren besteht der Hauptzweck der unmittelbar vor der Verhandlung abgehaltenen Vorbereitungsbesprechung darin, dem Angeklagten die Möglichkeit zu geben, das Verfahren zu beenden, indem er den gemäßigten Antrag der Staatsanwaltschaft mit einem Geständnis annimmt, andernfalls – wie der Name schon sagt – um der Anklage und der Verteidigung die Möglichkeit zu geben, an der Vorbereitung des Prozesses vor Gericht mitzuwirken und die Hauptrichtung des weiteren Beweisverfahrens festzulegen. Um die Grundlage der allgemeinen Überzeugung zu untersuchen, dass diese Regelung der Vorbereitungssitzung im geltenden Strafprozessrecht als beispiellose Neuerung angesehen werden kann, habe ich unsere kodifizierten Strafprozessordnungen und damit verbundene andere relevante Gesetze untersucht, die auf unsere erste Strafprozessordnung zurückgehen von 1896. In meiner vorliegenden Studie möchte ich die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung vorstellen und auf die wenigen regulatorischen Vorgeschichten hinweisen, die möglicherweise mit der aktuellen Rechtsinstitution der Vorbereitungssitzung in Zusammenhang stehen.

  • A büntetőeljárás nyilvánosságának jogszabályi hátterében húzódó alapjogi kollíziók feltárása, különös tekintettel az ágazati titokvédelemre

    The right to a fair trial by an independent and impartial tribunal is a fundamental right everybody is entitled to. Through such right, transparency and publicity becomes an important guarantee of the administration of justice, in a broader sense, and as a procedural principle of different court proceedings as well. The collision between the requirements of privacy protection and transparency impose challenges on the legislator, the legal practitioners and on the judicial practice as well, from many aspects. Beyond issues of data protection, these requirements influence the publicity of the courtroom, the publicity of proceedings to the press, and the protection of personality rights.

    In the general interpretation publicity is a safeguard which guarantees the indecency and impartiality of the court and it is also a significant instrument of social control. The study distinguishes between the different level of publicity in a criminal procedures such as “socially publicity”, “courtroom publicity” and “client publicity” and examines practicable problems like online-streaming during the criminal court proceeding.

    In order to ensure the transparency of courts, the information stored must be provided to the parties, other authorities, and the media, taking into account applicable legal provisions.

    When it comes to the operation of courts, one of the biggest problems with regard to the constitutionality of data processing is when the qualification of a particular data is changed several times in different procedural stages, and is – consequently – subject to different legal protection. Needless to say that the same data cannot be considered as both public and protected at the same time in the same procedure. However, this issue arises regularly, which is quite frankly a legal nonsense requiring an immediate and comprehensive solution.

    Finally the study mentions some de lege ferenda recommendations as well.