Keresési eredmények
Felsőoktatási autonómia-viták, kérdések és válaszok a közigazgatás(tudomány) szemszögéből
27-48Megtekintések száma:103Bár az egyetemi autonómia mindig is nemzetközi és a magyar tudományos vizsgálódások középpontjában állt, hazánkban a felsőoktatási autonómia kérdéskörét legtöbbször a jogszabályi változásokhoz kapcsolódóan vizsgálta a jogirodalom. 2020-tól kezdődően több magyar egyetem is a modellváltás útjára lépett, amely egyben fenntartóváltást is jelentett. Ezen változások éles társadalmi, politikai és jogi vitákat generáltak, amelyek egyik központi kérdése az autonómia volt.
A felsőoktatási autonómia nemcsak a magyar narratívában meghatározó, hiszen a viták új lendületet kaptak, amikor a kérdés 2022. végén nemzetközi kontextusba került. A magyar rendszer unikális jellegű megkülönböztetésének indokoltsága a tudományos irodalomban is sok kérdőjelt vetett fel, különösen az autonómia nemzetközi fogalma alapján és más európai, így például a holland példával összevetve. A tanulmány a megkülönböztetés indokoltságára kérdez rá az autonómia nemzetközi fogalmát elemezve, valamint a magyar jogi folyamatokat vizsgálja a fenntartói irányítás szemszögéből, és összeveti azt különösen a holland példával.
A lipcsei ítélet
Megtekintések száma:34In Germany the new constitution published in 1919 established a brand new and democratically based state structure. Beside the traditional forum of administrative courts a new court system had been established in connection with public law jurisdiction. After Germany lost the first World War, general depression made a big impression on German state structure too. One of the most significant conflicts of this period had risen between the Empire and its biggest member state, Prussia. On 20th July 1932 president of the Empire suspended the Prussian autonomy and seized the power of directing the member state. The German Court of State had to verify this decision. Because of the fact that the court held its session in Lipche, this judgement is called as the famous judgement of Lipche. There are several really significant and dogmatically important factors in this decision, which help us understand the legal structure of that age in the German Empire.
In this study I examine extraordinary power of the monarch in the Republic of Weimar and its special control by the courts. Constitution gave the right to the sovereign to obtain the regulations of the constitution by force in member states. There was a special right that entitled him using uncommon orders in case of attack against public order and public security. These rules ensured the unity of the Empire.
The speciality of this judgement is that the Court qualified the order of the monarch unlawful because of the lack of the two circumstances mentioned above. To verify this decision court had to examine not only the nature of its procedure but the meaning of unity in the whole Empire, the aim of the constitution and these special rights of the monarch. The court focused on the examination of culpability in a member state. The conclusion is that intervention is legally based not only when a member state breaks the law with culpable behaviour but when breaking down of public order exists. In this special case the court split this practice and qualified the suspension of autonomy unlawful, but it found that other orders of the sovereign were acceptable. The result was that the autonomy was renovated but the Prussian government did not have the right in those cases, which were deprived by the monarch.
Hivatalrendszer az Oszmán Birodalom magyarországi peremvidékén
69-74Megtekintések száma:69My essay is on the development of autonomy of the country-towns and the changes of their relationship with the Hungarian county, the land lords, and the Turks. My research is based on the analysis of original account books of Debrecen and Nagykőrös. The situation of these towns was special in the 17th century, among other things, because of their geographical location. Debrecen situated at the border of the three big powers and Nagykőrös placed inside of the Turkish Empire. Later the country-town leaders were able to pay the cost of autonomy. The county administration system disappeared in the Turkish territory, but the functions of it were continued. For example the assembly of Pest county was hold in Fülek which was outside of the county. The administrative bodies of the counties worked according to the old Hungarian regulations. Turkish ruling was considered temporary. It was hard to keep contact between the county and the towns. It was one of the reasons of establishing municipal self government. These towns regularly paid tax to the Hungarian land lords and a higher amount to the Turks. The land lords who escaped from the Turkish territory were still in power. The towns paid the tax to the lords in a lump sum. The lords didn’t exercise their power. The town leaders recognized this situation and reached economical and later political autonomy that was very expensive. After the end of Turkish ruling the counties (re)expanded but the local self governing system was maintained.
A magyar kollektív munkajog egyes jogértelmezési kérdéseiről
77-87Megtekintések száma:84The primary and outstanding legal policy objective of Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code (hereinafter Mt. with its Hungarian abbreviation) is to extend the opportunities of collective autonomy and the regulatory role of agreements concluded between entities subject to collective labour law. With a view to this, the content of the legal institution has been significantly altered, establishing a „complex system” of specific rules that are instrumental in generating a system. The Labour Code is very often characterised as an especially complex piece of legislation, a „law intended for lawyers”, though it is one of the laws that are widely referred to and used, applied by people other than lawyers, including the classic actors (entities) of collective labour law. Below I will underline five regulatory „contradictions” in the area of collective labour law, which due to the lack of sufficient clarity and various ways of possible interpretation might become the source of legal disputes and conflicts of interest between the entities of collective labour law. These critical observations and proposals - which are far from being exhaustive - are related to the conclusion, amendment and termination of collective agreements, and the exercise of certain trade union rights.
Thus, in the paper I will analyse the issues related to the conditions of collective agreements concluded by multiple employers from the perspective of workers (trade unions); the contradictions of the situation of the trade unions becoming entitled to conclude collective agreements subsequently; the possibilities for a trade union losing its capacity to conclude collective agreements and its consequences for the workers (the rate of unionisation dropping below 10% at the employer concerned); the problems related to the various levels of hierarchy in trade union structures; and finally, I will discuss issues of establishing and calculating the working time allowance, the grounds for and problems of its application.
A tudományos élet szabadsága a Magyar Köztársaság Alkotmánybíróságának gyakorlatában
Megtekintések száma:61A tudományos élet területének fontosságát jelzi, hogy már alaptörvényünk eredeti, 1949-es szövegváltozata is szabályozta azt – igaz, sokkal inkább a tudományos élet állami irányításának, mint a szabad tudományos tevékenységhez való jog garanciájának benyomását keltve. Ma az alapjog jelentőségét elsősorban két szempontból, így a tudományos kutatáshoz való jog mint a tudományszabadság aktív oldaláról, valamint a felsőoktatási intézmények autonómiája mint a tudományszabadság garanciájának passzív oldaláról ragadhatjuk meg. A kutatás szabadságának központi szerepét az Alkotmánybíróság nem csupán a múlt feltárásában, így a társadalom történetének tudományos feldolgozásában, de innovációs értéke folytán a jövő építésében, a társadalom szellemi és gazdasági fejlődésének előmozdításában látja. Ugyanakkor az is nyilvánvaló, hogy a tudományos kutatás, képzés és együttműködés szabadsága, alkotmányellenes korlátozásoktól való mentessége nem garantálható a tudományszabadság másik pillére, a felsőoktatási intézmények és egyéb tudományos központok autonómiájának alkotmányos garanciája híján. A tudományos élet szabadságához fűződő alapjog mind szövegmódosulásait, mind tartalmát tekintve nagy utat tett meg a szocializmus időszakát jellemző ideológiai célhoz kötöttségtől a jogállami átmenetet követő, tudományos kérdéseket érintő állami semlegességéig. Ezt az utat kívánja röviden dokumentálni, valamint a felsőoktatási intézmények autonómiáját érintő két legutóbbi alkotmánybírósági határozat példáján szemléltetni a jelen írás.
A privátszféra polgári jogi védelmének alapkérdései
Megtekintések száma:192Privacy has become a hot topic in personality rights protection in the 21st century all over the world. Classic personality rights did not cover all aspects of modern privacy law and the lack of an exhaustive list for personality rights also left many questions unanswered. The right to privacy is hard to define and it is even more difficult to identify the limits of this sensitive right. Our goal is to analyze various definitive attempts to privacy and synthetize them with actual judicial practice in order to get closer to what privacy law truly covers in modern jurisdictions. Even if brand new challenges arise almost every day, privacy remains a powerful instrument to provide autonomy to individuals and sometimes to legal entities.
A Kúria önkormányzati rendeleteket felülbíráló jogköre esetjogi megközelítésben
63-74Megtekintések száma:66The Council of Self-Government Affairs of the Curia of Hungary, which was established in 2012, has the power to review judicial norms beside the Constitutional Court of Hungary in order to abolish the collision between them. The division between the issues of the collision is determined up on the fact whether the question is statutory or a constitutional. The specific interpretation of the Curia and its consistent, conceptual statements that have already been made, leads to the conclusion, that such an institution was created that is able to promote the autonomy of the legislation of self-governments in the right direction. This is the issue that I would like to focus in my paper the most, and to examine what are those most important and conceptual statements, which are also important from a practical perspective. I extended my observation particularly on the legal standards regulating the basic rules of coexistence, where I examined the standards in respect of the most common dilemmas from a case-lawpoint of view.