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  • Diachronic Identity, Variability and Homonymy in the Etymologization of Soundsymbolic Words (on the material of Slavic languages)

    In etymology, the diachronic identity of words and morphemes is proved by the joint application of the comparative historical method regarding sound form and the method of semantic typology (semantic parallels) regarding semantics. This rule is fully applicable, however, only for arbitrary signs of the languagein which the nonexclusivity of phonetic laws has been proved. The article shows that the definition of diachronic identity insound symbolic words is complicated by their very nature as iconic signs, processed by the right hemisphere of the brain, which predetermines their disobedience to phonetic laws, formal variability and the rather frequent presence of homonyms. The pragmatic, functional and structural properties of sound symbolic words are also taken into account.

  • Identity Problems from Historical, Cultural and Literary Aspects
    7 p.

    This critique focuses on the latest part of the publication series by the Slavic Historical and Philological Association entitled “Individual and Collective Identities”, which is of great importance for the field of Russian Studies in Hungary as it provides a regular platform for academics with annual conferences. In the three main chapters of the book, identity is approached in different contexts from a historical, cultural, and literary point of view. For this reason, we can say that this collection stands out due to its interdisciplinary nature and complexity serving as a useful resource for those who deal with identity issues.

  • The Cultural Heritage of the Ancient Russian City of Yelets

    This article provides scholarly evidence the small historical city of Yelets as a potential cultural heritage site in the context of its socio-cultural significance for the state, society and the local community. The paper overviews the results of a comprehensive sociological study of the issues of the cultural heritage of this ancient Russian city. The issues of the cultural heritage of Yelets is considered from the perspective of internal and external identification processes which transformed it and make it lose its unique urban identity. For the analysis of cultural heritage, the types of identity of the city are identified: historical and cultural, visual and spatial, socio-psychological and communicative spatial. The main factors of the identification processes of the city are analyzed, such as urban identity, history, culture, social interaction and language.

  • The beginnings of the collective identity of Slovaks in the Central European context

    The study analyses the linguistic, literary and cultural contexts of the formation of Slovak national identity during the Enlightenment and the early national movement. The Slovak intellectual elite identified and defined Slovaks and the Slovak nation in terms of modern Austrian statehood, traditional Hungarian patriotism and cultural Slavism. The study shows that modern Slovak nationalism was already richly structured atits beginnings, adopting diverse ideological impulses and establishing relations with neighboring Slavic and non-Slavic cultures. 

  • Between Cyborg and Larva: A Vicious Circle That Human Beings Experience in the Post-humanist Era
    8 p.

    The article reveals the reasons for and specific features of the transition to the posthumanist
    era. The author of the study reviews the criticism of classical humanism and analyzes
    the relationship between the concepts of "trans-humanism" and "post-humanism." In a
    situation in which a permanent identity is impossible and people move to a “current” “unstable”
    identity, the Imaginary becomes the main guideline for the self-identification process.
    Human beings are unable to cope with the challenges of our time and are aware of their own
    inferiority. That is why they are trying to improve themselves through the available body
    modifications. However, this process gives them a new panic attack over the potential loss
    of control over the body. Analyzing these processes, the author turns to the most controversial
    and specific phenomenon of popular culture – "body horror". This genre reveals the deep
    layers of consciousness, fears and insecurity of human beings in the post-humanist era.

  • The Czech Language in Volhynia A. Arkhanhelska, O. Bláha, U. Cholodová (eds.): Čeština na Volyni. 2020. Olomouc. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. ISBN 978-80-88278-62-7

    In 2020, a collective monograph was published in Olomouc dedicated to the nature of the Czech language and culture in Volhynia in today’s Ukraine, overviewing the settlement and history of Czech migrants in this area, including  culture-specific features of the local Czech identity, especially in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Language features, which play a significant role,are also described. The volume sheds light on phenomena of language contact, in subsystems such as phonetics and phonology, morphosyntax, and lexicology. In this context, the authors present and analyze empirical material. The book is an important contribution to the study of Czech cultural heritage outside the country’s borders.

  • The Transformation of Spiritual Culture in the Context of the Formation of the "New Ethics" (Problem Statement)

    The article is devoted to the analysis of the spiritual values that are being formed today and the reasons for the actualization of the New Ethics. Catastrophic dynamism leads to the elimination of the stable social groups as well as to the maximum diffuseness of personal boundaries. At the same time, the transformation of the communication system brings an extremely vulnerable virtual body to the forefront of cultural life. The new communication system, social atomization, the lack of understandable guidelines in the process of socialization and self-identification - all this turns the concept of “border” into a basic one for the New Ethics. However, the design of boundaries and self-defense mechanisms does not always lead to the expected positive results. We come to the conclusion, that an initially inadequate assessment of the aggressiveness of the environment forces a person to build the most aggressive defense mechanisms: the man himself is transformed into a source of toxicity, which in turn makes the environment even more toxic than it was originally.

  • The Generational Narrative in Criticism of New Realism

    At the end of the 20th century, New Realism emerged in contrast to postmodern literature. The representatives of this school defined themselves in their manifestoes and critical writings as a generation with the same aesthetic and ideological principles. The anthology of New Russian Criticism, edited by Roman Senchin, is a demonstration of this common action. The present study aims to present how and what elements of this generational consciousness and cultural identity are created, i.e. how thinking about literature has changed.

  • Russia and Hungary: A dialogue of cultures in the space of literary texts: Book Review: Through "Alien" to "Own": Dialogue of Russian and Hungarian Cultures: Monograph / Edited by M.A. Lappo, V.V. Marosha. NGPU Publishing House, pp. 240. ISBN 978-00226-049-2, Novosibirsk, 2023

    This monograph presents the results of a joint interdisciplinary project of Russian and Hungarian philologists to study the facts of interaction between Russian and Hungarian cultures in the space of literary texts. It examines various manifestations of the interaction of cultures: from the study of cases of direct influence to intertextual forms of assimilation and interpretation of elements of a foreign culture, current trends in translation reception. The volume includes papers by a wide range of authors whose texts made up the material of the study (from F.M. Dostoevsky and S. Veresh to E. Vodolazkin and Y. Berg).

  • Figures of the Young Actress in the Dramatic Art of A.N. Ostrovsky and A.P. Chekhov

    The present study focuses on the turning point in drama history between the artistic concept of A.N. Ostrovsky, the founder of modern Russian theater, and that of A.P. Chekhov, who transformed the former approach in the matter of just a few decades. I propose that an analysis of Ostrovsky’s Talents and Admirers (1881) and Chekhov’s The Seagull (1896) can reveal the borderline that divides the dramatic formations belonging to these two separate periods. The analysis concentrates on the transformation of a specific motive, the portrayal and the dramatization of the chances of destiny available for the figure of the young actress. I presume that the dramaturgical features surfacing through the exploration of this portrayal will outline the differences in the approach and in the poetic means used by the outstanding representatives of these successive periods in drama history. Thus, I am not seeking intertextual instances in the narrow sense of the term. Rather, I am after a thematic and motive-based congeniality and its saturation with a new meaning, coming from the functional shift that establishes a connection between the texts of the pieces by Chekhov and Ostrovsky. This approach to intertextuality in the broader sense of the term, which is not primarily present in references at the textual level but is rather based on, for example, thematic congruity, can play an important part also in the assessment concerning functional history, in exploring reception-related peculiarities and, consequently, in the validation of the historical aspect.