
Coping with Trauma: Minority Art Practices in the Context of the New Sensuality of Metamodernism


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Chukurov, A. (2019). Coping with Trauma: Minority Art Practices in the Context of the New Sensuality of Metamodernism. Slavica, 48, 7 p.

The information age has provided new opportunities for the institutionalization and functioning of various subcultural movements including those uniting people by offering them an alternative mental state. The proposed material is analyzed as an example of these associations. The article provides a brief analysis of the historical dynamics of the study of minority art practices and of their role and significance at present. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of Art Brut. Today minority art practices find their new meaning also in the context of the new sensuality of metamodernism, which is based on co-creation. We believe that the
discourse of outsider art fosters a tolerant consciousness, raising issues of stigma, norm, deviation and internal liberation.