Author Guidelines

Thank you for choosing Slavica to publish your article. The publisher does not charge the authors a publication fee, and neither does it pay the many royalties. Please use the following instructions to ensure that your paper matches the journal’s requirements:

Compulsory formatting elements: title of the work in Russian, English, and German; date of its receipt and of its acceptance for publication; abstract in Russian, English, and German (no more than maximum 2000 characters each; key words in these three languages; authorial work in the chosen language. The authorial work shall contain a list of references (bibliography), featuring the works actually used, together with the DOI numbers of the cited works taken from an online source) the icon of the DOI identifier, copyright and licence type on the title page; affiliation of the author in Russian, English and German (name, authorial ORCID identification, workplace – university, faculty, institute, department, PhD students should refer to their doctoral schools, email address or workplace) at the end of the authorial work. The total volume should not exceed 30000 characters, spaces included.

Technical details:

- The author should specify the topic of the paper (linguistics, literary studies, culture studies, scientific criticism);

- The submission file can be sent in any editable textfile, preferably .docx and rtf. The author should attach any additional fonts used in the text;

- Margins: top and bottom - 5cm, left and right - 4cm;

- Font and font size: Times New Roman 11p;

- Line spacing: simple;

- The notes should be enumerated and placed in the document footer.

Sources should appear in the Bibliography in the following way:


Austin, J. L. 1971: How To Do Things With Words. London: Oxford University Press.

Тарановский, К.Ф. [Taranovskij, K.F.] 2000: О поэзии и поэтике. Москва: Языки русской культуры [Taranovskij On poetry and poetics. Moscow: Âzyki russkoj kulʹtury].

Collective Volumes:

Bjørnflaten, J.I. 2006: Chronologies of the Slavicization of Northern Russia Mirrored by Slavic Loanwords in Finnic and Baltic // Nuorluoto, J (ed.), The Slavicization of the Russian North. Slavica Helsingiensia Vol. 27: 50–77.

Гик, А.В. [Gik, A.V.] 2021: Животные и люди. Семантические преобразования в романе Захара Прилепина «Обитель» // Метафорическая картина мира современной художественной прозы: сборник научных статей. Под общей редакцией З.Ю. Петровой, Н.А. Фатеевой. Москва: Аквилон. [Animals and people. Semantic transformations in the novel “Abode” by Zahar Prilepin // Metaphorical world image of modern prose: a collection of scientific articles / Eds. Z.Û. Petrova, N.A. Fateeva. Moscow: Akvilon] 26–41.

Журавлев, И.В. – Ощепкова, Е.С. [Žuravlev, I.V. – Oŝepkova, E.S.] 2020: Мозг и язык: проблема латерализации // Сознание. Язык. Мозг. Коллективная монография. Под ред. Е.Ф. Тарасова, И.В. Журавлева. Москва: Институт языкознания РАН [Brain and language: the problem of lateralization // Consciousness. Language. Brain. Collective monograph. Eds. E. F. Tarasov, I. V. Žuravlev. Moscow: Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences] 26–45.


Waugh, L. 1993: Against Arbitrariness: Imitation and Motivation Revived, with Conse-quences for Textual Meaning // Diacritics, 23/2: 71–87.

Епифанова, Е.А. [Epifanova, E.A.] 2014: Структура житийных предисловий в древне-русской агиографической традиции (XII в. до рубежа XIV–XV вв.) // Вестник ЧелГУ [The structure of hagiographic prefaces in the ancient Russian hagiographic tradition (XII century. Until the turn of the XIV–XV centuries) // Vestnik ChelGU] 2014/16: 41–45.

Басинский, П. [Basinskij, P.] 1993: Возвращение. Полемические заметки о реализме и модернизме // Новый мир [Return. Polemie notes on realism and modernism // Novyj Mir] 11: 230–238.

Internet sites:

Кузнецова, И.В. [Kuznecova, I.V.] 2019: Ориентализмы-антропонимы в южнославянских устойчивых сравнениях [Orientalisms and anthroponyms in Southern Slavic phraseological comparisions] // Studia Slavica 64. (Дата обращения: 12. 08. 2019).

Heller, J.M. 2011: Otče náš, Otče náš… tak kde teda jsi?! Recenze knihy M. Szczygiela Udělej sí ráj. (Date of Access 12.18.2014).

The main titles of an article submitted to the Scientific Criticism Section should refer to the topic of the work under review, whereas the subtitle should contain its bibliographical data (title of the book, author’s or editor’s name, place and date of publication, ISBN number, size).

The periodical is also prepared to publish figures, photos, charts, tables, etc. as non-compulsory elements of content. Contributors are requested to place their number and any texts assigned to them under such items. It is also possible to add attachments or appendices after the bibliography and before the authorial affiliation.

The bibliography should contain the Latin-letter transliteration of the items given in Cyrillic, in accordance with the rules of international Slavic transcription (