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  • Employment during the Coronavirus crisis, experiences from the Northern Great Plain Region

    The impact of the pandemic crisis was particularly significant on the labour market. In our study, we sought the answer to what percentage of workers were brought into precarious conditions by the epidemic. Another question was in which industries were the organizations able to use the Home Office option and their practical experience. Based on secondary data, different economic sectors have been affected to different degrees by the viral situation, with low, medium and high levels separated by the literature according to the impact on emissions. Compared to the global average (50%), Hungary has a higher proportion of employees (60%) in the “high” or “medium high” sectors. According to German regional results, education, finance and telecommunications within the service are the areas where teleworking is most applicable to maintain continuous operation and employment. As part of primary research, we interviewed the head of an organization operating in a low-, medium- and high-impact sector in the Northern Great Plain Region. There was no significant change in the “low” category, in the case of “medium” the acquisition activity was pushed into the background, in the case of “high” there was a downsizing. Based on this, it can be said that the Pandemic catalyzed the digitization processes, the Home Office, which was introduced or expanded by force, presumably had a developmental effect on organizations, which effect cannot be left without a trace after the virus situation. The organization’s experience can be utilized if it returns to the “normal” wheelbase by eliminating the disadvantages and strengthening the advantages.

  • Introducing the social situation of Hajdú-Bihar County in numbers

    The aim of our study is to provide an overview of the social situation in Hajdú-Bihar County. Hajdú-Bihar County, the economic, educational, scientific and cultural center of the Northern Great Plain region. Its conditions are favorable for fulfilling its role, and it’s economic, educational, commercial, and cultural and health relations are significant beyond the national borders. In connection with Hajdú-Bihar County, it is important to mention the utilization of its logistics role and the role of the regional knowledge base. Debrecen city is the center of HajdúBihar County, this is the second largest city in Hungary in terms of population. For decades Debrecen has been an outstanding role of Hajdú-Bihar County, and the city has a socio-economic impact on the whole region as a regional center. Among the above-mentioned impacts, this study focuses on the social impacts of Hajdú-Bihar County and the calculations based on local and national statistics to support and analyze this impact. The social impacts were examined primarily from a demographic point of view (population, gender, age and composition by educational level, qualifications, employment, income conditions) compared to previous years and national data.

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