
Transforming leadership tasks through the example of Hajdú-Bihar county organizations

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Gál, Z., Berde, C., & Pierog, A. (2023). Transforming leadership tasks through the example of Hajdú-Bihar county organizations. Régiókutatás Szemle, 6(2), 89-97.

Permanent change is an axiomatic phenomenon in organization life that has its effect every day. Responding to changes is one of the conditions for the long-term survival of an organization. In our study, we looked into the question how changes affect organizations, what perceptible transformations and reactions they evoke or generate in the functioning of organizations. To answer these questions, semi-structure interviews were applied with Hajdú-Bihar county senior executives, owners. Our results showed that consistency, teamwork, and continuous feedback play a critical role in implementing change. Management tasks transform during the change, the proportions of each task shift. Based on the results, it is worth conducting further research on the role of management tasks in organizational change.

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