
Honey consumption and purchasing habits in Hajdú-Bihar county

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Vida, V., & Feketéné Ferenczi, A. (2023). Honey consumption and purchasing habits in Hajdú-Bihar county. Régiókutatás Szemle, 7(1), 88-101.

The main objective of our research is to present the market situation and conditions of the Hungarian beekeeping sector from the perspective of consumers. We considered it appropriate to present the beekeeping market because the European Union is the second largest producer of honey in the world, and Hungary ranks third in the EU in terms of the honey production volume. The changes in global and EU trade, market trends and changes in consumer habits are significant influencing factors in terms of domestic conditions. The market situation is presented through a review of the relevant domestic and foreign literature, and we analysed statistical databases to examine the topic (data provision of beekeeping programs of the European Union member states, CSO, OMME, Statista database and reports). The consumption of honey by the Hungarian population has been slowly increasing year by year, but we are still below the European Union average. Honey is our basic food of animal origin; it has many beneficial properties, so the study of consumption and purchasing habits is an important issue. To analyse the consumer and purchasing habits, we chose the questionnaire survey method. In our research, we sought the answer to how and in which direction honey consumption and purchasing habits have changed in Hungary today, and whether there are any regional difference based on the answers of the respondents. The online questionnaire was structured according to the 4Ps of the marketing mix; accordingly, we had questions about the product itself (honey), its price, place of purchase, promotion opportunities and the way and frequency of honey consumption. The results obtained from the survey were evaluated, subjected to descriptive statistical analysis, and then analysed for correlations based on background variables including gender, age, education, type of settlement, and county. Responses were evaluated using the SPSS 22.0 data analysis and statistics program. The results of the sample are not representative, but they well represent and summarize the situation.

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