
Institutional and consumer market aspects of regional tourism development along the Lower-Ipoly

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Kóródi, M., Mondok, A., & Sánta, Ádám K. (2023). Institutional and consumer market aspects of regional tourism development along the Lower-Ipoly. Régiókutatás Szemle, 7(1), 8-19.

Depending on the macro-level management of tourism, whether a top-down or a bottom-up or integrated tourism development method is applied, the assessment of the organizational and consumer market is an integral part of the status quo analysis. Coordination the stakeholders of the organizational market could be the task of a TDM, however, the linear extent and network of settlements, the specific location, and the unfavourable demographic characteristics raise a number of problems. The study summarizes the results of a research to make foundation for a tourism development concept, outlining the similarities and differences between the two stakeholder groups regarding the tourism needs of the given area. It also covers the preferred types of tourism and the services that make up each tourism product (absolute value, ranking and the ratio to the average). The Lower-Ipoly region can occupy a special position in the tourism market in some aspects (water, bicycle and ecotourism) by combining special product and destination development, as well as experience management and perhaps visitor management elements. Although the limited resources of the organizational market confine the realization of consumer ideas, the success of development is influenced by the demarcation of boundaries, which is a qualitative rather than a quantitative issue and is related to segmentation and differentiated supply. The organizational functions of the destination management are performed by the leading organization of the project currently being implemented. Thus, due to the overlapping maintenance periods, if the projects are sufficiently coordinated, continuous tourism coordination will take place even in the absence of a TDM organization. The results of the consumer market research show that solving the problems arising from limited natural resources requires a significant change in market behaviour not only for tourism service providers, but also for tourists.

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