Reviewer guide


The Precision Crop Production journal uses a double blind peer review system for the evaluation of submitted papers and articles. This means that during the review process the author's name remains hidden from the reviewer and the reviewer's name remains unknown to the author. To this end, all parties involved (authors, editors, reviewers and publishers) must adopt standards of expected ethical behaviour.

All manuscripts are first subjected to a preliminary peer review, during which the editorial board examines the formal requirements, the subject matter of the manuscript and the quality of the methods used. Manuscripts that do not meet the standards and the editorial team's expectations are returned for correction and, if they still do not meet the requirements, are rejected.

Manuscripts that meet the preliminary criteria will be sent to an independent reviewer with the assurance of anonymity. The reviewer(s) will be selected by the editorial board on the basis of the competencies required for the topic. The review process is carried out on a "double blind" basis.

The current status of the peer review and publication process is available online to all eligible users and can be tracked in OJS.

The following criteria will be taken into account in the peer review process: relevance and importance of the topic; theoretical soundness and the processing of relevant literature; the formulation of research aims and objectives; the quality of the methodology used; the relevance and quality of the evaluation of the results; the formulation of relevant conclusions and recommendations; readability and comprehensibility.

As a result of the peer review, manuscripts may be rejected, accepted with modifications or accepted. If a manuscript requires minor changes, the corrected version may be accepted. If major changes are needed, the corrected version is resubmitted to the proofreader for continuity and the process is repeated again.

Accepted manuscripts will be published immediately after proofreading, with a DOI identification number, in the journal under the heading "Articles in press". They are then published under the heading "Current" as soon as the current issue and volume are published.